The Duchess of Cambridge launches Centre for Early Childhood

Look if now are going to talk about poor mental health you better start with your own family and the family you married into first, because you folks are just fucked up in your membranes, the fact that your husband have stayed silent after his father murdered his mother with the blessing of the queen, the fact that the FBI has issued a warrant for arrest of prince Andrew over pedophilia charges, the fact that Charley Boy and his close friendship with the world famous pedophile Jimmy Savile and other pedophiles and child molesters like that, the fact that the late Phil and his close friendship with every known pedophiles in the world and also the news of your own familys luciferian connections I am talking about your own mother and father makes this whole thing with you going public to talk about poor mental health a bit comical the eyes of the world, I hope you can see how ridiculous it sounds and looks, not to talk about how badly you have aged young as you are, I believe you are suffering from both poor mental health and poor genes, you look like a fifty year old woman yourself, and I thought money and wealth would make anyone appear in better shape than you are, but its not the case, apparently, you are not a rolemodel for the younger generation because you come across as phony and fake, try to stay calm, I didnt meant to hurt your feelings :)
