This Country Is Going Cashless

I have been telling you this for years now, Sodom is controlled by the luciferians, the Nr1 atheistic country in the world is now going cashless, a country where there are more male prostitutes than female ones, what can go wrong, there was a good reason why Hitler never attacked Sodom, Sodom is the headquarter of the international luciferians, I have always said, God doesnt send anyone any refugees to Sodom for any form of salvation, you were sent there to get mislead and to keep you far away from anything godliness and purity, I have witnessed this countless of times where seemingly god fearing folks move to Sodom and lose all faith in what is good and turn into what they are, look I know if you have not God in your heart in sufficient measure you will have a hard time understanding what I am talking about, but if you are God fearing you know, there is something very wrong taking the first place in being godless, when a society disregard God the Creator the Sovereign of this world you surly can see that they invite something to replace what is proper and good, in Scriptures we have been warned about such societies, I am sure you Believers are aware of the two cities Sodom and Gomorra were also extremely liberal and rich cities, their wealth came from looting and robbing caravans passing those two godforsaken places, they enslaved those who happened to pass through those to cities, Hell will be their refuge, they did try to stop me leaving that hellhole, but while they plotted and so did God, and He is the best of plotters and lead me out of that filthy Sodom, may the curse of God be upon them, honest to God, I have not met not one that I would with my limited judgment could say they belonged in Paradise, I have met their so called believers from all religious denominations, what I found out was that, despite they said they followed this or that mainstream faiths and its denominations, in secret they also belonged to one cult outside what is known to others, Sodom was a strange place I can tell you, from what I know is, they were not this wicked some times ago, like in the 50-60s and before that, but after that something happened over there, I believe whatever evil inflicted them came out of the UK, exported to Sodom and they embraced it and today they have turned into something those who exported this evil to them could not have expected to overshadow themselves back in UK, one huge difference between Sodomites and the Brits from what I found out is, the Brits are still believers, 99% of those I spoke to in the UK said they believes in God, while 95% in Sodom would say they dont believe in God, this is a huge contrast between these two very different people, there is still much hope for the Brits, and it couldnt make me happier, while all hope is lost for Sodom, I cannot see how they would return to their right minds, and trust me I know these people, I know them better they know themselves and I see no hope there, I can only imagine how hard would go down on them like He did with the late Sodom, I urge the Brits to learn from what is happening and stay true to your beliefs and your traditions, never look up to Sodom and their ways because its something for you to stay far away from if you want to prosper and do well, be the opposite of what they are and you will do well, but you also must not remain naive, there is an Evil walking amongst you, something truly Evil, if you are wise enough and true to the cause of what is good and sustainable, you will recognize it and when you do, you must speak out and point to that Evil and inform others of this grave danger to humankind, because its the enemy of all humankind, never go cashless, never implement these cryptos because it will cause collapse of everything you cherish right now, never be the hand to implement their satanic NWO initiatives, remember, they cant force you to do anything, whatever you do is of your own will thats what they are counting on, for you to dig your own graves, dont give them what they ask of you, give them the middle finger instead, thats what I always do, good luck. 
