'Trump deserves to go to jail': Ex-Trump Org. exec on looming criminal c...

Here is what I am thinking, wouldnt it be better for all for the country if Mr Trump dropped all this and calmed things down and the charges against the Trump org also disappeared ? I know there is a lost of bad blood right now from both sides and people are trying to get back at one or another but wouldnt be nicer if it all just disappeared as if it never happened, I would like to think this could be the case, I also know its a long shot, but just playing with the thought here, I still think it would benefit all and the country is this could be the cased, the question here would be, who could facilitate this, I am an optimist, I would like to see something being down here, but I cant do it from here, but if we have reasonable people here from both sides I think we could do a whole lot of good things here, I really do, it can be done, can you guys imagine how much progress we can do if we with Gods grace be united, I could be the bridge do end all these hostilities between peoples if there is a will for it, we could do great things, for the good of the country for all !!
