Trump participates in border security briefing

Here is some of my thoughts on topics raised.
I do very firmly believe in strong and super secure borders because its not fair to the tax payers of this country to spend an extra dollar more than absolutely necessary, there are many things that are necessary of course but as elected leaders the purse of the state each and every tax dollar has to be not only accented for but looked after to ensure its spent where it can do most good, as an investment, my understanding is that there are around 100 000 immigrants getting over the borders on monthly basis, this is unsustainable, so of course we need to bring that number down to a minimum but how to go about it is what we are debating here, I dont believe a wall will do the job, a barrier like that wont deter anyone to at least try, to find a way around it over it under it, what would deter them is if there were many border patrol employees stationed there with authority to turn them back or to arrest them for them then to be turned back, however the law is written, I believe that would be a better way, or as it is now, instead of finishing every open parts where the wall is not built, what if we station border patrol agents there so they can keep an eye on both the wall and the parts where its opened to make arrests, what is clear to me is, we need more personnel, and if it comes to finishing parts of the wall or to hire more agents, I am more for hiring more people, perhaps no harm has been done, perhaps what was needed to be most effective is what we have right now, with places where the wall is raised and with the money not spent to finish it, to hire more agents, perhaps this is the combination was needed, my idea is, if you finish the wall and have not many agents to get to a spot quickly as needed then whats the point.
I also believe in God in guns and in oil, I believe in God because I came from some godless countries, Iran and Sodom, countries run by very godless regimes, and I have seen the damages done to peoples minds and health, one is rich still with people feeling like crap the other one poor feeling the same when both didnt have to feel like that.
I also believe in guns because I have come from two countries where caring any kinds of weapons even a little knife can get you prison time for ever six months, in Sodom the court once convicted me for caring a, and listen to this, a three inch swish army knife tool combination, and if you dont believe me, its on my file over there, take a look for yourself, its all there, in Iran, and again listen to this, if yo are arrested with a knife, you will get a heavier sentence just caring a knife then if yo would have used it, because they say, we dont know if you could have murdered anyone but if you have actually used it and not murdered anyone, like just made some cuts, its "obvious" that you didnt intend to murder your opponent, but if you woudlnt have used it, your intention could have been to murder your opponent, again this is how the reason in Iran, the whole point of these hell hole countries is to cut your balls of as a human being to make you subservient to the ruling cult running the country, the cult and their militias are allowed to do whatever they want as long as you are loyal to the State and everyone else are there to serve them, so I have personal experience of what it will be like when one cult take fully over a nation, and I dont want it to happen here, so naturally I am for guns, in fact even though I never were and likely never be a weapon carrier of any kind because on a personal level I dont like weapons, certainly not carrying it, sure you can go to the range and fire off and have fun other than that on a personal level I am not a gun person, I think I would like to own a sniper rifle but that more because of the science and the skill of the sport, its most satisfyingly to shoot through a hole over and over again from a long distance, and because I am a environmentally friendly person, I dont see the point of firing off a machinegun spreading lead all over the place, that I dont like, but in a world we live in where Evil have intention to take over everything, I do believe in armed citizens, because I dont trust politicians in the System, I just dont.
I am also for extracting oil, I am very much for it, and here is the main reason, I as a Believer (believe) we are at the end of our stay on this planet, I dont believe we are going to be around for thousands of years, I believe we are going to be around for not much long, so why not use the energy souses we have like oil with great care, I dont believe climate change is what will kill of off, it will do damage but it wont be the definitive thing, and I also dont believe we can reverse changing of global warming, it has started and we wont be able to do anything about it, I believe all these hypes is another tax schemes to rob people of their tax dollars to enrich some others, I am on the poor peoples side, not the wealthy ones, the foundation of any healthy society, is to eliminate poverty and to build from the ground up, right now its in reverse, everything is upside down because none of the parties make everything make sense, look if I had a magic wand, I would like to go fully green, but its wishful thinking, the way things are at this moment, we have to use every single energy source God has given us, like oil, like nuclear, like solar and wind, and the alien stuff but thats for later ;) the way to make this country prosper again, the cost of energy has to be the lowest on the planet, I will give you an analogy to compare it with there, compare the low cost of oil flow to the free flow of blood through your arteries in your body, hinder the free flow and you will get may God forbid a heart attack, this is whats happening right now, we cant stop the free flow of oil, the correct way of how to use the oil under ground would be, to evolve as quickly as a society can to go over to other means and use that oil to make polymers, and cheap ones as that, to make concretes strong enough in new structures for it not to be necessary to use steel reinforcements, concert to withstand any kind of erosions not to collapse on itself and to stand for hundreds of years, there are so much better ways to go about all these things I think.
