Addressing Root Causes of Gun Violence | The View

The problem is NOT with the gun laws, the problem ever since I came to this country from what I have seen has to do with the mental health of people, the problem is that some people believe everyone has to pay for their own, even when it comes to healthcare, I think its wrong, the way I see it, instead of spending a fortune in personal expenses and tax dollars on hiring more security and police officers patrolling all over, you could have spent some of that on legislating on taking care of people so they wont be forced to go crazy, I am not one of those defund the police ones, the way I see it, its already too late to take the other option, I think its much too late for that, so we cannot have less police now, its unfortunate but it is the way things are right now, look the way I see it, a country is a body of many individuals, if you dont pay attention and take care of a wound on any body parts, what will be the result of that, the illness will spread to other parts and this body will start to weaken, what you can do at this point is to let say inject yourself with more and more antibiotics in hope of staying on your legs for a bit longer and eventually this body will stop to function and with it comes only higher and higher costs to keep it on its legs, and eventually it will collapse, this is how I see what will happen to this country, and for this reason, I am announcing that I will soon move out of here, you have to deal with your own issues, its beyond me or anyone to heal this body, Babylon will fall, its in the Scriptures, you know it and I know it, we both know it, so I will take my chances elsewhere, good luck America, you need the flue to get sick and after that, when you finally get this virus and I am not talking about any Covid business, when you get the virus out of your system and get back to your senses then you if God permits you will be given another chance to get back on your feets again, but you need a wakeup call, but I wouldnt recommend you give up your guns, if you did that, the wicked ones will only take more advantage from you, this is what they have done around the world to others.  
