Babylon USA | Documentary on Mystery Babylon in Revelation | KJV Bible

What many of these Masons dont seems to get is that yes there is only One Super Power in this world and its NOT them, its God the Creator, they wished they were but they are not, and the US have had its run this Pax America, American "peace" but its run out of steam, CCP is on the rise, they will become richer and at least as powerful as the US, so these Masons have been misguided by their master Satan, whom they worship, its not that these Masons are not aware of God, they are very much aware of Him, but they have been fallen for the vain promises of Satan.
53:37 listen how this grand Mason is speaking and pronouncing the letter S, he is deliberately pronouncing it like a serpent, the one he looks up to.
Listen friends ! the son of Satan this man with the soul of something most evil this Antichrist is here right now, but it wont be like some have described events to come to look like with the Antichrist being a public individual, I am telling you, you wont see him or hear him in public, perhaps in his last days in life, he is most active behind the scene thats how he and his people work, trust me on this, look friends, as much influence and power as these Luciferians think they have on this planet with basically everything they own, from big pharma to the central banks the militaries the social media companies to everything else, they are still restricted to do what they want because God has restricted their actions to accomplish their final goals, this is the unseen mercy from your Lord in which most of you are unaware of and unthankful for but this is how it works, I am aware of it because I have witness how many times these Luciferians have tried to kill me and yet I am still here warning you of what is going on and I will always be here to warn you till my time is up and it wont be anytime soon, God has stated He favors whom so ever He wants and when you have this blessing when you are fully protected, not even the Devil himself can harm you at least physically, spiritually you will always be under attack and that is because God has granted the evil ones this privilege for (some time) He wont protect you from (everything) because then whats the point of having free will, but because the playing field which also have to do with not only ours free will but other entities who are much more powerful than we ours free will and thats what made the playing field unfair, He interfered and deprived them of all they want to do to those with less worldly power than they have, He also promised that the playing field will eventually get reversed with the good guys coming to come on top one day, all these are promises made and will come to be, but for now the bad guys are seemingly in control and the bad guys are EVERYWHERE, listen friends, the ONLY ones God sees as the good guys are the God fearing ones, the most God fearing ones !!! those who have passed the test or in His supreme mercy those who are almost there to past the test, from what I know, not (one) world leader is even near to clear the test, not even close to it, the only ones who can even come near of passing the test are the ones who try their best to unite the sons and daughters of Adam in fear of their Creator, mark my words on this, this is how it works folks, you heard it here.
