You know I like to follow this crap on the internet, to see how dumbed down people have become nowadays, back in the days you could find one idiot or two claiming they were they Mahdi, you had your Jewish messiahs one or two of them taking their followers for a ride, we had our Muslim messiahs one or two greedy powerhungry warlords claiming they were the Mahdi so on and so forth, in Iran today its even funnier, there are over 2000 claiming they are the Mahdi lol but they are mentally ill, but some time ago they Iranians had one of their established mollas claiming he was the Mahdi, one of their own guys and many thought of the fool as the one and nobody told him to go to hell or corrected him, in Iraq they have their own so called Mahdi Army, and their cult leader is the corrupt Al Sadr, the Lebanese have their "party of god" hezbolla, all these names and titles they use actually belongs to someone else but here these warlord these corrupt cult leaders all in cahoots with Eblis are talking things out of context and they do it to spread corruption and sectarianism which is a tool Eblis uses to divide people and by that keep the true Resistance weak, the true Resistance is or should be a global initiative because God cares for all regardless of who they are or what race creed or ideology they follow unless they are in cahoots with Eblis and part of his crew, the fool you see in the video is a Saudi now some of them INSIDE this totalitarian society are been given free range to claim such things, other Saudis claim MBS Princess Salam is the Mahdi, I am sure she is sitting there behind his screen enjoying and getting drunk of all these praises, what a fool, these are not true believers, these fools reminds me of when God told Prophet Mohammad that, many of these who claim are on your side, praying like you do chanting like they do are in fact in secret behind your back in their own company are planning to discredit you, but then God said, dont you worry, they plot against you and He will defuse their plots and plot back against their schemes Himself because He is the best of those who plots, then He went on and said other things too I dont want to go into right now, in short He said, these are fake believers not real ones, and today when many of us see these fools of today like the fools of yesterday but now out in the open tells me that how low mankind has fallen, this is what nationalism does to you because this is what it really is, now we have Saudi Mahdis people are giving their full support to, we have Pakistani Mahdis, we have Turkish Iranians you name it, and all these cult followers does this foremost because of where their cult leaders come from, their own countries, because of nationalism, nationalism has never been the right way, and I am gonna tell you why, the right way is to be proud of the good things within your cultures, leave the bad aspects of your own cultures behind because we all have baggage things that hold us back, but only take the good parts combine it with other cultures good parts and move on to create to be part of something much greater, and remember, this is important, once we were one people, there were no two peoples, we were one, and the idea is to go back to what is intended for us top become, divided we lose united we will succeed, the Creator divided us as a punishment, we shouldnt continue on this path of what ones was intended to be something negative, we should always strive to revert to the other direction, and if you dont get that, you are a dummy, I am sorry you are, look who created NASA that did all those great things, it wasnt just one people, it was mankind as one, there are other examples but you get the point I hope.
