Ben Stiller Criticized for Nepotism Remarks | The View

Coming from a known stock wont necessarily get you anywhere, it could be a kind of curse some times, trust me, sometimes you just become too big and people cant handle that, but thanks for the tip Whoopy, people should do their thing regardless as I am intended to do, doing things my way, and I will keep to my ideals to the end, no matter what it takes, how long it takes, many years ago I was asked indirectly if I wanted to meet Oh No Obama, it was back then I just came to realize what the hell is going on, my first thought was, why the hell would I want to meet him, so what if he is a president, he is still a moron, another time somebody told me, 'I think you will meet with Obama' and I replied, yes if I want to not if he wants to but if I want to, today if I was to given all the wealth and power in the world to meet him or Bad News Biden, by God I would have directly declined the offer, how could I meet with a idiot whom bows down to the king of Arabia for a piece of gold neckless, a man whom would bow down for so little to such a rotten criminal, no I would never have likes of him in my near vicinity, God will when time is right to position where I can chose whom I want near me and whom I can disregard like losers they are, whom I will exult to position of respect in the eyes of the world and those who will very quickly be forgotten about like if they never existed, I have stated, Oh No Obama is out of the loop, in time it will be shown who was right and who was of the losers :) I am not budging, I am one stubborn SOB, son of a King, baby :) 
