Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt on Teaming Up for Disney's "Jungle Cruise...

Much much love to both Dwayne and Emily, she is great in action movies :) I have been thinking, soon I will be sailing south towards Panama to get over to the other side, its a month of straight sailing down there, it can get quite boring sailing for a month with no land in sight, so I have been thinking, I havent had any action whatsoever for very long time now, nobody have tried to kill me for all I know and its so out of the ordinary I cant live like this so what I am gonna do is to before departure announce my trip south so all the bad guys know when I leave and where I will head at so they can find me easier, and the hope is to get kidnapped brought to the jungles of South America as a hostage and finally we can have some action trying to break free and have something to talk about later, I am thinking a Romance the Stone scenario but for real, how great would that be :) and what comes out of it will be a great addition to my book, I will try to get some photographs in there to for sake of documentation, but things could go the other way too, my kidnappers might come to like me and we could write my book together, or I will let them help write the part they have contributed to, I hope I meet a couple of warlords and some of the crew, and if not, I only ask for one thing, dont chaise me with high speed motor boats, that ways it wouldnt be fair, chase me instead with sailboats or canoes because I will only do a couple of knots and we need to keep things interesting, and dont try to ram me over like they tried on the North Sea, that was most unfair, I didnt like that at all only a pussy would do such a unmanly thing, anyways lets make this interesting, I would like the jungle scenario much better, my book would sell better that way, then they will make more movies about what happened, your character would be included homies :) you can also like others go down in history and in the world of the arts, other great bad bad guys characters have been made movies of, if you are nice you could too, makes sense, deal ?? :)
