Euronews in Iran: What brought hardline clerics back to power?

OMG where do we even begin because I have made the same point so many times by now, lets start with the history when the mollas took over Iran, Khomejni when as exile outside Iran preaching to the Iranians spoke of total freedom to freedom of speech all the good things people needed to hear and wanted, everything the late Shah had deprived them of Khomejni spoke of as their basic rights, when he was (installed) a very wicked (Evil and Luciferian )part of the mollas establishment used him to take full control of the country, and how did they do that, they first of all needed a friendly face a front in shape of Khomejni, and right after he was installed, to get rid of the part of the population that are educated and less compliant to follow orders they imposed simple things like wearing full coverage of women, even though the Holy Quran only speaks of as I have stated before that mean and women must wear in modesty, cover from their necks and downwards then God goes to state that when women come to a certain age where they have no intention to get married even less restrictions should apply, this is what the Quran the holy scripture of the Muslims says nothing else, but the mollas are clever bastards, they knew is they restrict women and force them to fully cover themselves in black this will force (only) the sheeps to stay in the country and force true believers either to leave or get killed and get rid of, its a totalitarian way to take full control of the masses, which they did and that was the intention of enforcing these unholy practices they claim is what all Muslims must follow, and this naive uneducated molla Knomejni gave in and let himself being used in this way for the satanic mollas to go against Scripture to against Gods prescriptions to how we should live our lives to prosper and followed the Luciferian agenda instead, and right now two generations of sheeps who think and made believe the more extreme they go the closer to Gods path they are at, and this Satan knew it would come down to this and he managed to have its will established through the mollas, his own sheeps, now as a matter of fact, lets analyze what these mollas have accomplished thus far, sanctions aside for a moment, what they have accomplished is to do belief in God and the right way in the eyes of their own citizens look something unworthy to keep alive, so people are leaving anything that has to do with faith, and those who are still trying to stay faithful within their own population who are aware of the corruption of this molla cult running the show despise them, if you actually took the polls in Iran asking people if they would have the mollas removed completely, I promise you, between 85-90% would want that, only a very few brainless sheeps would still follow these mollas to whatever hell they are being taken to, people dont like the mollas, they have created one of the most corrupt societies on the planet, surly this is a sight that God is not blessing them, then for the rest of us who know a little bit more than just the superficial arguments, we know more deeply how evil and more corrupt they are, we know or I know, the mollas are profiting from the heroin trade, we know they are thieves and we know how they trade in human lives, we know the sex parties the orge parties they have in secret, in short we know what kind of damn hypocrites they are, and we know indeed more than that, we know so much more, knowing all this tells me, that God has in fact cursed them, and when you have the curse of God on you because you so bluntly follow anti scripture instead of the real thing tells me, their time staying in control is short, so naturally I want their time to be as short as it can, because the longer they stay in power more and more people will continue to suffer, but then something God has stated reminds me when He stated that before He reaches out to you even as a nation, you need to take the first steps to reform yourselves within or He will replace you like He has done so many other times in history with other tribes with other nations, and judging from what we all see whats going on in Iran right now, if you say you have the blessing of God on your side, then how come you are suffering and left behind because surly even with all the sanctions on you if you had the blessings of God on you, it wouldnt have affected you in any shape or form, the sanctions (is) part of the curse ! take Cuba, a totalitarian godless communist rule, they also blame their misfortune on the sanctions, and as Believers, you surly can understand when you have a state sanctioned ideology that despites anything godly why would God bless such a nation that gave into this godless nationwide ideology, then you can ask, how come China is prospering, how come Japan is prospering, then I have to answer, are they really ?? the Godless ideology Japan has adopted is killing them right now, with basically all their adults being alcoholics, with more than even 50% of their young men saying they have no intention to get married or have no interest in having sex, and the numbers are even worse with their women, and in China, they have their own problems too, tons of it, mental health issues, they are turned into something worse than most of us could have imagined, with their state in full control of their citizens, and I dont have to go into all that right now, you know whats going on over there, and it will only get worse in the coming years, so are they really blessed these godless countries, take Sweden in Europe, I have pointed out the massive social problems they suffer from, with only 10% of their population being clean from any substances, while 90% are on some kind of drugs, legal or illegal, a country with more male prostitutes than female ones, and it goes on and on so I dont have to bring it up all over again, so are these countries really blessed, of course they are not, and this generation these countries have given birth to will come back home to roost, you just wait, things are only going to get worse, but I dont have to show you that, you are witnessing it on your own, so what is the answer to all this, the answer is doing things in a modest way, but tell that to the extreme parts of all our societies, they wont listen, its not in human nature to follow the middle path as long as we are getting influenced by Evil and their sheeps on both sides of the spectrum, only God knows where all this will take us, well some of us know too, its in the Scriptures where all this will lead us to, we will destroy ourselves and with the supreme grace of our Creator, He will ensure some of us survive this madness to start things all over again from the beginning, life wont be completely extinguished, one day it will, by the will of God, like He have done before, a couple of times, meanwhile our job is to expose these criminals for what they are and hope for the best, pray for the best, we can do nothing more. 
