Four Iranian operatives charged in kidnapping plot of journalist Masih A...

All these conspiracy activities will only increase with their new molla president Ibrahim Raisi, The Head Chopper of Tehran, I repeat what I have stated in the past, I dont believe the mollas will go after building nukes, I am sure they have one or two already in their arsenal, but I dont believe they will go on and invest half of their defense budget on producing nukes, they are not that stupid, they know if and when war breaks out, if they use any WMDs like nukes, not one of their supporters will ever walk safe around on this planet ever again, every single one of them will be hunted down and killed, and we are talking about millions of them worldwide along with their senior family members, only their children small children will be left unharmed, the rest will pay for what their leader in Iran will do if they use nukes, and they will also be nuked back, so I dont think they are that stupid to use even one single nuke, they are instead investing in other means like their missile program, I believe its a waste of time and efforts to negotiate around their nuclear program, I suggest we cut all ties to them, no more talks about anything just sanctioning them and continue this way till the time comes for an invading force to invade the molla lands and get rid of them all, this is the way forward I say, no more talks no more anything but sanctioning them and keeping it that way, the Iranian people like many other peoples around the world like the Pakistanis like the Iraqis like the Lebanese like the Myanmars like so many other people have to endure for a little bit longer, here is how I personally see it, I go after what Scriptures have explained to us how God deal with things like with personal issues things regarding tribes to nations then to the whole world, from the micro to macro, He has stated, the only time He will come to ones rescue is after one has tried to correct and change their inner selves, only then will He reach out to you, and the way I see it, look at cultures and countries like Pakistan, there you have a culture where targeting busses with civilians is happening on regular basis, of course not all Pakistanis are like that but the culture over all in the country with so much crap going on a culture that has gone so astray to even allow this to happen is a sign that something is not right over there, same thing in so many other countries, take Afghanistan, a country with a people that has gone so astray that they are producing so much of the worlds heroin supply and when you ask a farmer why he grows puppies instead of anything else, they say they do it to make an extra buck, well that extra buck is killing millions of so many others around the world, the problem is first of all greed, with greed comes poverty, with greed comes the curse of God upon you because you are feeding your offsprings with blood money, so naturally God will not bless such places such cultures such nations and at the end of it, this planet with all its inhabitants, so what God is asking from you is to change your inner selves to what you could have been should have been and see the grans scale of things that we all are one and the same, dont argue about whos religion is right whos ideology is the right one if capitalism or socialism is better, because they are all flawed, the middle path is the path we all should take lessons from, middle path is what will lead peoples to the same united path, where all cultures reemerge and thats when human potential will reach its highest, there is no other way to salvation of our species, we could and should learn from the east Asians from the Middle Eastern from the Africans from the Europeans from all Americans on this continent just as they could and should learn from us, but this is not happening anytime soon so enjoy more wars to come and everything that follows with it,, the aliens are gonna eat you all, bye :) 
