If God Is Good, Why Does Evil Exist?

Here is what I think of the Torah of today, yes I said the Torah of today, because I dont believe the Torah of today is the same Torah Prophet Moses reserved and this is my argument why, but before I start I have to say, I dont believe the Torah of today has been changed for a very very long time, I believe things were changed in it right at the beginning, at the early times after that it was kept the way we have it today, unlike the New Testament its constantly being changed, no body would argue because we have so many versions of it today, the Torah is a bit different, I believe it was changed and altered right at the beginning and after those changes no other versions were made, and here is my argument why, if you read the Torah of today you will soon find stories where the Prophets as you hear this rabbi mention always argued with the Creator and many times in a very rude manner, there are stories about Prophet Solomon whoms real title is Prophet Solomon FIRST then you can call him King Solomon, and the reason is, a king is a lower status than a prophet, so you Jews are NOT respecting Prophet Solomon a chosen one by the Creator they way you should, but then the story about him goes to tell that he had 700 wives and 300 concubines, my argument against these falsehoods these slanders against the best of what humanity had to offer is a grave insult to future generations who get the wrong picture of what it means to be the best of what is around and as a rolemodel for future generations, my question for you Jews and others who look up to Prophet Solomon is this, if the man lived today, a man whom is addicted to screwing one separate woman a day for 2 years a sex addict, a man with no respect for anything, such a flawed individual, would you today even in this age, because you all know how perverted we have become, people back then were much much more pious than we are today, the standards were much higher, would you even today look up to a religious leader with 1000 women for his pleasure ?? a Luciferian would answer yes to this question, 99% of you would not, not even if this religious leader had 2 wives let alone 700 and 300 other sex slaves, so a person with a right state of mind would agree with me that the God we know, would never had accepted such a most flawed person as His chosen one, so I argue that this story is added to slander this great man who was a Prophet of his Lord, so when the Jews and the Christians read these stories no wonder so many of them distance themselves from the true Torahs message, instead they get the wrong message, but let me continue, there are other stories about Prophet Moses where after he in battle defeated a tribe he "ordered" the slater of all living creatures from their men women and children, look if you believe Prophet Moses gave such an order then you must be absolutely out of your mind, I ask again, would you follow a man any man who would do such a thing, of course you wouldnt, but all these stories are in the Torah of today, so the question remains, do you still believe it has not been altered, I believe it has, but let me continue, in the book of Genesis, God the Creator supposedly stated, that He created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, my question is, when God created everything with a (Word) be and it came to be, what is so difficult about saying a word that you also need to rest thereafter, not only that, if you believe the Creator is in need of rest then you have committed another very grave mistake by attributing such flaws in your Creator, you have committed a very grave sin in which you are going to pay for on the Day of Judgment, rest assured of that, other falsehood is that God created us in His image, I have talked about this theory before, so I will will bring it up again, if God is a man looking object, just like us, the question is, before God created everything that is light gravity and physicals object, what you are saying is, God was flowing around in some realm, then He thought to Himself, hmm, let Me create gravity for My legs to have something to stand on, let Me create object for My hands to grab on, let me create light for My eyes to see, because otherwise why would He have eyes like ours, so on and so forth, you see, you once again are offending the Creator by giving these worldly attributes that applies to His creatures, things much lower than He is, God is a Soul no object for anyone to see, you cant see Him, just as you cant see a soul, when we all enter the other worlds that is Paradise and Hell for most of you, you will once again go back to a (form) that shape and object will once again possess the same soul you were created with, so forget what your Talmud is telling you, from my understanding you will even have the same finger prints, to that exact ! so on the question of why evil even exist is very simple, dont listen to these Talmudic rabbis, they have no clue of what they speak of, listen to them and you will get confused, the simple answer is, negative things has to exist because this is what it means with free will, you can choose to get at any direction you want, its simple physics, if it didnt exist, nothing would have worked, its this simple, and to the rabbis question why bad things happen to good people, I think I have already answered it, but let me elaborate further, good people ?? according to whoms standards, just because you have not murdered anyone stolen anything not rapped anyone doesnt make you a good person, far from it in fact, you are putting the standards very low here, just the way you did in your Torah with regards to the false stories you are spreading about Gods chosen ones, your own prophets whom most of you murdered by your own hands, dont you remember, you chose Barabbas over Jesus to live, if you were true believers and had any trust in God, you could just have ignored Jesus and let God deal with him, but you plotted to murder him, but you never succeeded, you never killed him, its not in your authority to do anything like that, you have been played, you drank the koolaid and you have been suffering ever since, the wiser rabbis would agree with me why God has punished you more than any other race in the world, because you abandoned the true Torah, one of the evidence is in one of the Torah stories, when Prophet Moses promised to come back after 30 days and was late with 10 days, with in such a short amount of time, you had already lost your faith, it took you ten days to lose your faith after everything Prophet Moses did for you and after everything you saw with your own eyes, so what does that say about you today after thousands of years past since then, good luck in the future I say if you are going to continue listening to these misguided rabbis of yours.
