John Kerry Says G-20 Needs to 'Step Up' on Climate Action

It sounds to me and to many others that you want to make the lives of the working class and the poor to become more expensive to endure with higher energy costs, because you know as we know people are already struggling with higher food costs put much higher energy costs that in turn will make food costs even higher than it already is reach new monstrosity high levels, whats do you want to do, kill off humanity reduce it to under a 500 million weak, what are you getting at with this ?? climate change is here to stay, things are gonna change regardless, if by climate change measures you mean making life more durable for ALL the people with lower energy costs and food costs then I am all for that and if not, then you wont find any support there Kerry, and why dont you practice what you preach first before you start to lecture us, the carbon emotions you leave behind on weekly basis is what I leave behind in a life time, you are not the one who should speak on these matters because you are a hypocrite, thats why nobody believes you nobody trust a word out of your mouth nobody likes you, I dont like you, so go and fuck yourself.
You wanna save the planet, plans trees, billions of it !!
