Journalist targeted by Iranian operatives gets emotional on 'Hannity'

I feel I have to object to her for repeating 'Islamic Republic' over and over again because she is associating the faith that is Islam to a regime that does not represent this faith and the way she keeps referring to the molla regime as the 'Islamic Republic' is offensive to many of us, if she wants to keep us as her friends and allies, I suggest she refer to the molla regime in other terms than putting Muslims down the way she does, its very offensive, I have more criticism towards the mollas of Iran than she has, what the mollas have done to me cannot in any shape or form be compared to what she has made to feel, but I dont blame it on the faith these mollas are hiding behind, the thing is, she knows very well what she is doing and I am very nicely asking of her to stop offending us all, I unlike many of you dear readers understand what she is getting at, even Hannity here have more sense than to referring to the molla regime for what she is describing them as, so thank you Mr Hannity here, I fully want to be on her side and many others as well but she need to not offend us all, the truth is, in her Persian speaking channel, she sound even worse and no wonder the mollas and their followers are this pissed of at her, I criticize the mollas harshly too but I do it with substance and with facts, even when I on religious matters criticize them, I do it by their own scriptures, I refer back to their own scriptures but she is does it on a crude manner and yes she is pissing people off, she need to do a better job with how she goes about these sensitive things, for own good, if you want to go about and tell the molla supreme leader to go and fuck himself thats one thing, but offending Muslims in general or any other faiths is never a good idea, its not how you do these things, again I want her to do be just a little bit more fair in the way she present herself, for the sake of others, if she do it in a proper way, she should be able to criticize anything and anyone but it has to be in a fair manner and based on facts, otherwise these people will never stop coming after her, and the way she is going about things, God wont be there to protect her, take it from me, I know what I am talking about, I have gone through all that, she should take my advise on these matters, then she will do better than this. 
