July 3, 2021 - Will The Real Messiah Stand Up? (Part 1) - Rabbi Larry Fe...

If you read the Old Testament the Torah you have today you will get misguided and here is why, I have told you that the Jews who followed Prophet Moses and from everything all the miracle he showed them, it took them ONLY ten days to lose their faith when Prophet Moses said to them he would be back in 30 days and got back in 40, in the ten days he took to get back they had already lose their faith, why is that, the reason was that Satan himself was right there in person walking with them influencing them to turn on Prophet Moses, and right after Prophet Moses walked away from the Hebrews and went his own way never to be seen again, the Torah was heavily changed, and today when you read the Torah of today you will read of "flawed" ALL the Old Testament Prophets where, with Prophet Solomon hawing 1000 women to have sex with, that he was a "magician" its written in the Torah of today Prophet Jacobs sons having sex with his wives and how flawed Prophet Josef where "boasting" to his brothers that they will be beneath him that they will bow down before him taunting his brothers making them jealous, non of this are true, Prophet Josef never teased his brothers to hate him, they hated him because they heard him and remember he was a kid, ten something year old little kid telling his father about his dream and somebody heard him revealing this dream to his father and they word got out and the brothers who already hated him for being such a nice kid compared to his very wicked brothers, and remember, you as a brother has to be one wicked person and persons to throw your own brother into well after God prevented them to kill him as they had intended to begin with, so these brothers were NOT innocent in any way but were in fact all trouble makers, thats why their father Prophet Jacob never trusted them from the get go, and when God granted him this much nice kid Josef and people loved Josef from the day he was born and liked him as a kid because he was nothing like his older brothers and even before this dream was reviled, his brothers already disliked him because people like him more than they liked these others, and when the dream got out, that was the final straw and they decided to kill him, but again when God prevented them, they decided to throw him into a well and let him die out of starvation here, but again God saved Prophet Josef and their brothers could do nothing to prevent him becoming what he became later in life, but when you read the Old Testament of today, you read nothin but how the chosen ones of God were so "flawed" so when you read it today you will get the wrong picture of past events, and this is what these pastors and rabbis are repeating to their people and misleading them with their conclusions, and when it comes to the New Testament of we have today, lets talk about some facts over here, you all know how it was written and came about, Constantine a very wicked evil individual who made a statute of himself as a god, couldnt defeat the followers of Jesus so he decided to join them and take advantage of this new movement, so he ordered all the scriptures of this new Jesus movement to be gathered, he ordered all the many theologians whom non of them agreed with other about theology, people from all kinds of denominations, some were actually pegans followers of the Roman pegan Mithraism to get in room and not get out before they presented Constantine a collected and agreed on set of book as their new official scripture, and think about it, non of these in this room agreed on anything, as I told you some of them were pegans, and they were afraid of Constantine because he had threatened to kill them all if they failed presenting him a book, so all these people were forced to agree on a set of collection, so they picked and chose parts they liked and parts they didnt, like we know, the gospels of Mary Magdalene was not added at all, some pegan beliefs were added, this is where the concept of trinity was added, because it comes from the pegan Mithraism which Constantine subscribed to, all these are facts folks, and another sets of facts, the letters in the four gospels were NOT written by any of the four disciples like Mathew Luke Mark and John because these gospels are written in sophisticated Greek, non of these disciples could speak Greek and if they could a little bit which is doubtful, they could for sure not written it is classical sophisticated Greek, the authors of these gospels were NOT these four disciples, someone else wrote them and if you read it, nobody is actually claiming they wrote them, you can even hear someone else is speaking for these four, the reason pastors and priests quote Paul is because that part is Pauls own words, a Greek who converted to Judaism to marry this Jewish rich girl he was in love with from a prominent Jewish family and when he was denied by her family, Paul turned into hunting the new followers of Jesus and on his way to Damascus a demon got to him and if you read Pauls own words, this demon was tormenting him for the rest of his life, but the reason so many pastors quoting Paul is because the teachings of Paul was more in tune with Constantine, and so you also know, the family of Jesus aid Paul was their worst enemy, their mortal enemy, and you Christians today take the side of Paul whom the family of Jesus HATED this much over Jesus and his brother who knew Jesus when Paul had never even met him, it was NOT Jesus Paul met in the desert but this demon who tormented him because Paul was respectable to corruption and the Devil knew that and got to him, another set of facts, did you my Christian friends are aware that none of his disciples were at the place where Jesus got crucified, they were NOT eye witnesses to the event, they were scared and had already left, so non of them saw what happened, these are facts friends, so the question is, who saw the event and how did it got written in the New Testament we have today, in the gospels, another point, with now everything we know how the New Testament came to be written, dont you think Satan in one way or the other were at the place where it got written down, like he was at the place with the Hebrews long side where Prophet Moses were, and why wouldnt Satan be there to corrupt it, again, we know things are not adding up in the New Testament, like the gospels of John in the Book of Revelations, I urge you to read it, the story line the time line doenst add up, it jumps back and forward, its clear that one is altered with too, again dont take my word for it, read it for yourself, what is clear to me at least is that Satan tried his best to make the chosen ones of God these Prophets to look like very corrupt and flawed individuals and get that message across, this much is clear to me, when the opposite has to be the truth, these prophets were the best of us, the best of mankind had to offer and in these books they are made to look like lunatics, so from the evidence I have come by and from what I have learned, only the Evil one has to be behind these slanders, he changed this for you to feel better about your own shortcoming and for you to never strive to become like them the way they actually were but at best become as flawed like they are painted to be, when its the opposite of the matter of fact, you heard it from me friends, use your brains, all this is to make you turn away from God when you real some parts of these scriptures, when you read of "faulty" these men of God were, today so many have turned atheists or agnostics when they refer to parts of these scriptures, and its not fair, I dont blame them much although I do blame them a little bit because they should not just concentrate of one scripture but investigate further and when they do, when they have studied everything then they will come to the conclusion that, there are more to it than this, when you take your time to investigate this you will come to find out, someone some something some group is behind it all, in my view its the descendants of Nimrod, and the master of Nimrod himself, descendants of Nimrod doesnt mean his biological offsprings alone, it means those who follow this ideology, those on top of the pyramid, not those naive fools on the lower side of the pyramid who joined the cult for fame and fortune, they are only the front face of this ideology, they dont know much themselves, on the top of this satanic cult, they are in direct cahoots with the Devil.
