Lara Trump: Biden campaigned on open borders

I wouldnt say the Bad News Biden Administration inherited the situation at the border, they made it worse as soon as they took over with signaling to the migrants to get over here by the millions, and it took them months to even bring themselves to tell them in a mild manner to not to get across, on the question of why are doing this are many one of which is, they are getting pushed by the socialists and why the socialists ideologs are pushing this is, you heard one of them say, America have in the past promoted dictators in their own countries decades ago and in their view its only fair for them to move over here in the tens of millions, in fact with no limits, other reason I think is, the socialists at the top are so selfish they know their own livelihoods are secured, they will still have their salaries and paychecks and as you have seen they are getting handsomely paid to echo these socialist ideas and buying expensive real estates all over the place, and their media personalities are doing well to because they are connected, what happens to the homeless what happens to those with no access to healthcare are all shallow talking points they repeat to get the poor on their side in election times, imagine the billions spend to house these tens of millions immigrants you could have spent to improve the living standards of people here and all the other good things you could have done, another reason the far left socialists why they are doing this can be more sinister than all these other reasons, I am starting to believe they want chaos in this country because I have heard too many of them arguing for breaking loose from the union, they want that, too many of them want that, those in the far left media at least want that, the ideologues, they even wanted me to side with them on this issue, but I want no part in that, so I am moving out of this mess, here is something all Americans should know about some of the American Muslim elected congress people like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib, and I am directing this more to their followers but all should know this, just because you wear a hejab or just because you are anti Zionist doesnt make you a Muslim and a God fearing person, something you should know about the Somali ladies is this, and I know all about all these cultures so I know what I am talking about, unlike other Muslim cultures, and yes there is a thing such as Muslim cultures even though Islam is NOT a culture nor is Christianity not Judaism a culture while people have infused this into their personal native cultures something you should know about this particular Somali culture is that, unlike many other Islamic societies, their ladies basically 99% of them wear the hejab as a cultural thing, I am NOT saying they are not believers but here is the thing, one never find true believers basically anywhere nowadays, what you find a lot of is peoples cultures being presented together with the little true belief they got left, but the Somali ladies wear their hejab more of a cultural thing as for a religious purposes, and here is my argument against Ilhan Omar why, if you are truly a God fearing believer, you would never ever go along with the PLGBTQ nor this abortion business the Dems drive so religiously, you can be as anti Zionist pro Palestinian or whatever you want, but when you go against the fundamentals the cores of your beliefs then rest assured that God will NEVER favor you because you are a sellout a hypocrite, so when you see people like Ilham Omar dressing like Muslim women do even though God in the Quran has clearly explained how one should dress like, but these have made it into a cultural thing presenting themselves as Muslims when they drive and push for anti Scripture policies they are making not only themselves look like hypocrites but the cultures and the faith they supposedly represent, they are doing no one a favor, they are doing all peoples of faith a disfavor, they are doing all this to boast their own ego, and while they are doing this, they also are aiding Satan a big favor with the policies they stand for, look I am NOT saying persecute the gay people but today this PLGBTQ business have taken things too far, it started with no persecution, sure I agree with that, then it went to equal rights like marriage rights, sure I dont care whom you chose to live with, then it went to forcing houses of worship with thousands of years of traditions to forcefully going against their way of life and marrying them inside their houses of worships, this is wrong, then it went on to pushing for legislations to be able to adopt other folks children, I dont care if you make your own children the way you want because then God will grant you the soul of a child that is suited for you, but you cannot not go after other peoples children and turn those innocent souls into your way of life, because they were not intended for you, and we have seen them in videos singing about how they WILL go after your kids and corrupts them actively intentionally with an agenda, they are telling you what their intends are, and I promise you, if not half of those in the video were pedophiles then more are, they have been sexually molested themselves and now wants to give that to other innocent souls, so of course all this is wrong, there is an wicked agenda behind all this, they are telling you about it, then they have taken things to new lows, now it only takes for a male with a penis to claim he is a woman to enter womens spas with his penis up in the air, with children around, and you fake feminists where are you to defend for your kind, soon you will be excluded from all sports when it only takes a male to claim he is a woman and kick your asses in all sports, as you can see, there is no end to this wickedness people like Oh No Barry Obama and Bad News Biden and such are pushing for, Biden can claim he is a Catholic all he wants, I have seen people in the far left media claiming they are Catholics and Believers and still pushing for these anti Scripture policies and legislations, they dont fool me, they are not Catholics they only use it to get your votes and the approval of the naive, I would rather see whatever sexual tendencies you have to be kept private in your homes for yourselves whether you are straight or otherwise, but no, today we cant talk anything but ones sexualities, people wants to share their sexual experiences with the everyone, and the reason they do is because some crazy ones wants to distort what should be kept private, they do this to have more victims to chose from, this is why they do it, its to corrupt innocent souls to have more to chose from, they want it all over the place, they dont want piety they want easily corrupted souls and to spread mischief, and we know what God will do to such societies, He levels them and grounds them to a holt, and who is to blame for this, those who have no limits of modesty in spirit and in deeds, so people should think twice whom they vote for next time around, vote for the most God fearing and not the least ones, these people are not blessed and you will only make things worse by emboldening them, and by that you are not doing yourself any favors nor to your children.  
