Larry Elder claims Newsom is 'scared to death' of his campaign

Look if we can get all of California red and beautiful like North Carolina then I am for it, here is how I have experienced it, when I was arrived in NC people were so nice there, and all were Trumpers, I am not kidding, one time I asked a gentleman a boater like myself if he could be nice and call a cap for me to do groceries, the man before I finished my sentence reached out and offered me his car keys and told me to use his car, and the man didnt knew me, at another time I had gone on ground where I had anchored, an elder gentleman with his boat came over and asked if I needed anything, I wasnt in trouble but I told him I had gone on ground and if he could pull me out of it, any boater would but he was in his way just extra nice and asked if he wanted me to be towed to a safer place and I told him that I could do it on my own after getting pulled free, then he insisted but I was fine so I once again declined the offer, one other elderly gentleman at another time offered me with his motor boat to scan with his depth finder after a suitable place for me to anchor, took of over 30 minutes that thing, so nice, another time my outboard gave up on my infallible and a young guy very kind he too towed me to my boat, people were giving me their phone numbers to call if there was anything, honest to God its true, even the liberals were nicer there, so I am thinking how come people were so kind in NC, here a couple of days ago, I had locked my bike in my mind securely and now its stolen, now I dont have a bike, I am so mislabel right now, so I am thinking why is that people there are so different, it must be that the Republican states are doing better, they have less crime, they have not been exposed to this much crime like in Dem states, people are not just getting by but thriving and very strongly come across them, you see it you feel it and people then can afford to be nicer to one another, so yes, North Carolina should stay republican and California should follow suit, you should only elect republican officials here, and no fake Republicans either, I have a suggesting, ship over all the proven Republican officials from North Carolina from Texas from Florida and other great states, bring them over here for at least two terms so they can transform this state of California, then they can move back to their home states after the job is done, this would be a good idea I think, look for my part, I am out of here regardless, I am leaving the US, I have decided I am out, the way the Dems have disappointed me I will never forgive them, I have had such a bad taste of them its gonna stick with me for a very very long time, the only time I will return is when all of America is no longer anything like what the Dems have imagined it to be, because they are nothing but a huge disaster with their policies, they only make lives of people harder and harder to endure, so I will from no on recommend never ever to vote for any Democrat again, you are in better hands with the Republicans, the evidence is in the pudding, compare the Republican run states to the Democrats and there you have the answer, its simple as that, as I told you all, even the liberals in Republican states are nicer, so yes, vote California Republican and do it actively on all levels then you will do better than what you have now, and if you want things to deteriorate keep voting for the Democrats, good luck with whatever you chose to do, I only can tell you what I would have done.
