Lebanon's PM designate Saad Hariri says won't form govt • FRANCE 24 English

When will the Lebanese people learn from experience that you need to bar any of these warlords you have titled "president, prime minister, internal minister" all these criminals who wouldnt express any true feeling of remorse for what they have done to you all as Lebanese, every second that goes by they keep stealing and looting what remains of what is left to take away from you, as long as you are kept divided over what faith or other ideologies you are made to follow, these criminals in suits will continue adding to all your suffering, you need to join hands as one united Lebanese and make a stand, you need to do it peacefully and nicely because as you saw in Hong Kong, when they acted in a peaceful manner, they brought out half of their whole population in one single big protest, when they got violent, that made the ones who would otherwise come out those who are afraid to get in between the violent lunatics to stay at home and as you saw, after that only a very few went out to protest and thats how movements die, you need to get every single one of you on two legs to young and old to show themselves as one unit, you need a big unit as you can make it, not less of a unit, understand ?? big unit is the answer not smaller !! the biggest gathering you can muster, thats the trick, and when you manage that with Gods help, you need to keep it that way, in fact grow it further, the numbers must not get diminished but day by day it has to grow larger, its a game of numbers, you have the masses, they dont, the cult followers of these warlords are not more than 10-15% of your population, you are the 99% act like it then, or continue suffering, its in your own hands how you go about it, RISE UP as one unit !!! you will win this if you got your acts together, when people act as one they win stuff, good luck.
