Left remains silent on prominent Democrat donor's criminal conviction

Here is what I think from what I have seen, the only way to save this state is to turn it republican, sure there are corrupt elements in both parties, Satan plant its seeds in all parties to distract people to fight each other instead of focusing on the real issues at hand, so sure thing there are plenty of blame of all parties, what you will have if you have republicans in office is much better policies, policies that would improve your quality of life, Democrat policies are disastrously its obvious thats why you have this many homeless people poor people, it only took the Bad News Biden administration to drive the cost of living to new record  levels never seen before, just imagine how the rest of his term will cause, its time to turn California republican in my view, I say lets give the republican a chance to see what they can do to this state with the changes it needs, and I recommend you vote for every republican running for office not just on governor level but all over the place, I see dark times for places like California for places like New York and these places, here is fact of the matter friends, leftism is a cult, its a socialist cult an ideology which in fact is a branch of communism, their final goal is state run everything, trust me friends, if these socialists here in the west could, they would have followed the CCP game plan, the only reason they have not taken it to CCP level is because culturally people are not compliant and better informed than the ignorant Chinese people in China, the Chinese culture have programmed them that the enemy is always around the corner and if they do not hand over all authority to one elite cult to run everything the enemy will prevail and thats bad news for all of them, thats why they built a wall around their country, because they feared the Mongols, so they have been infused with this fear for centuries, I am not drawing parallels with the wall here, these are two different things, the Chinese have no fear of getting invaded by millions of immigrants every year, but the affect of centuries of fear and programming have had its affect together with poverty and many other things they are willing to hand over all authority to one party alone and this is what you have, the lefties would like to have their way here too, with their own ideology with state run everything with one socialist elite governing everything while you have seen their hypocrisy with their BLM cult leaders trained commies getting millions out of your donations to buy million dollar real estates for themselves, like the CCP loyal cult leaders, in China as long as you are loyal to the cult, you know you will become billionaires, you can do anything you want with no consequences, like if you want internal organs all you have to do is to pick one you like from the imprisoned and they carve him or her up and take whatever you want, the final blue print of what the lefties will do here is in what the CCP has created in China, look over there and see the future here if you let them have their way, as I said, Satan has planed his rotten seeds in all parties, but at least you will have better policies with the conservatives the republicans, the lying the hypocrisy of the Democrats is the next level, they are full of it, you shouldnt trust a word they spew, their policies collapses civilizations, its chaotic, with conservatives you will have more order and stability, with the conservatives, you know where you have them, like Mr Trump or not as a person, but you knew where you had him, what you saw was what you got, Biden is one two faces corrupt individual, look how the Chinese are paying off his son Hunter Biden with bribes right out in the open, people dont pay millions for crappy painting to a crack head for nothing, the CCP want access to the Bidens, this is what its all about, you thought Mr Trump was corrupt making deals and you thought it would change with Biden, well you are wrong, Biden is even worse, he is actually selling out to the CCP, the Dems are in cahoots with the CCP and they have been in cahoots with them for decades, the CCP has targeted the Dems because they have the same ideology, its socialism, socialism is another word for communism, its total tyranny in the end, but thank God people are more aware and educated here and this has been the only obstacle for these criminals not to take over everything here, my advise to people here a couple of thing, first of all, dont hand over your guns to those who wants to take it away from you, dont go cashless, pay what you purchase with cash, use your cards as little as you can, pay with cash, go back to your Holy Scriptures, you have been warned there what the Evil One have in plans for you, thats why the socialists are so anti Scripture, so revert to Scripture and dont fight among one another within other denominations and other people of faith in God, you need to unite and stay united, and when you argue with one another about how you view God and what has been subscribed in your view, do it in the most civilized manner you need to be nice about these things, because as I said, Satan has planted his evil seeds in all of you peoples of faith to keep you divided so that he and his followers can keep doing what they are doing, so you peoples of faith need to counter that by staying united because the enemy is not neither of you, the real enemy is the Ancient Enemy, look friends, on the Day of Judgment when we all will stand before our Creator for questioning, one of the questions that will be asked of all of you is, when you people of faith basically agreed on 95% with one other, you only disagreed on very few aspects of how you saw was the absolute correct way, if you fought and distanced yourselves from one other over 5% then what chances did mankind had to ever defeat this Ancient Enemy of all of us, this is what you will be asked in retrospect, you will see clearer then what mistake you all committed by not uniting when you had the chance but then it would be too late, well its not too late now, you can still go back to the old ways and get back to your senses and do the right thing, or dont, and if you dont, you will all paying the price, look friend, God has state eventually because of our own fault this Gog and Magog will rise up and get released and then you all will be victims of their actions and what they will cause, is socialism this communism part of this Gog and Magog thing about to engulf the world with devastation, it remains to be seen, all I know is, Evil will have its way for some time and the worst is still to come, the world will change in all kinds of nasty ways, we have entered tribulation times, we are living it ! its here folks. 
