Movie Features Lesbian Nuns disrespecting Virgin Mary

You have misunderstood a thing or two, this is not just an insult towards our Catholic friends when they disrespect in this manner the mother of Jesus the Virgin Mary but they are openly offending ALL Believers of Abrahamic faiths, the secularists France and over all have this idea that they can insult and offend any one and anything that people of faith hold very dear but they get very offensive when they and their values come in question, they want to have the freedom of step out of line in the name of freedom of expression but no one should ever even dare question them and the way they behave, this is double standards on a new level and of course we need to resist and call them out for their hypocrisy, in many ways this is good what they are doing because more and more of us will now go over and give our full support to people on the right in countries like Hungary and other places who are keeping their ground, so bravo to them, let democracy rule, as long as we get 51% of the support of our citizens, according to the rule book, we will rule and make the changes necessary and see if they like it then, so I urge all my supporters to get in line and resist this YES Luciferian agenda, we have good people in the film industry that dont like any of this crap, but like any other industries, the Luciferians who have been around and accumulated wealth power and influence for a very very long time today are putting everything they have gathered in use against things that could be sustainable, they are few in numbers but yet they are there at the top of things, but we are the 99%, we can change all that, we only need 51% and we can easily get that then we make the rules, these Luciferians have legislated to punish people to even say and believe certain things but offending God and even the purest of all, people like the Virgin Mary the best lady ever lived, the role model all girls should look up to to be desiccated like this while the Luciferians force our kids to be more like the wicked ones who desiccate these holy figures is something we need to be more vocal about and taking it sitting down, I dont urge people to take up to violence but you need to protest this in your own peaceful capacity, because of these monkeys keep this up, we will go above them, we can do that, and we can do that very easily, I dont think they want to take it that far, they will lose because we wont give up, we have God on our side and they are lucky He has told us to keep our cool, that He will take care of things, but we are not pacifists either, we will resist in our own peaceful ways, as long as the other side doesnt take things to the next level, because if they did, then our hands will be open to act as well, and as I said, then nothing can hold us back, and I mean nothing, we are the majority, dont mess with us or you will come to regret it, meanwhile people of faith and all decent people need to speak up, do boycotts, boycott these festivals and the promotors and the production companies of these movies, and the actors as well, these bad actors, no the good ones but the bad ones, hurt their pocket books, but here is the thing, these Luciferians dont care about making money on these productions, they only want to have these productions made and released like a virus, and when out there, it will do its natural course of damage, and damage in any capacity is what they take pleasure in seeing being done, as long as even one suffers from their doing is good enough for them, but if more than one suffers, its a bonus for them, this is how they reason these rat bastards, they shall be the inmate of Hellfire all of them long side their master, their master know he is on his way there and he wants to take as many with him there thats all there is to it, and these idiots are taking his word for it, what an evil lot, I hope God let loose the bad ones to get down here and do what they have been waiting for and get it over with so that we can get a new fresh start after that with them not being around anymore, very soon you all will witness who is the true owner of this world that you have been nothing but inmates of one another in a massive prison planet then you can blame your leaders for lying to you all along about how things were, I am telling you the truth, this is how it is, this is reality friends. 
