Race and ethnicity: Shining a spotlight on Iran's Black community • FRAN...

I think they are all very cute :) kids can be cruel and at times some in communities where they rarely seen someone that is not from that particular area, if you as a white or an east Asian kid growing up in Africa somewhere I am sure you would be teased too for looking apart, its not nice but this is how people are, as these nice people said, if they would grow up in southern Iran they would have melted in and nobody would cared less or noticed any difference, and I dont see anything not nice with the Persian hajifirus being a black man, its a positive thing, sure because all Persians celebrate Nowruz and because there are no black dudes in all parts of Iran, the locals have to paint their faces black, in southern Iran they dont have to because there are always a black dude available, the hajifiruz black faces do not have the same negative offensive meaning as when people here in the west paint their faces black, with history of slave trade, the salves that came to Persia came over with their owners, they werent enslaved in Persia, they came as slaves and the law if they wanted gave them the right to break free, some did and stayed, so I dont think we can draw parallels between what went on inside Iran and other places with regards to black faces, its not the same thing, Iranian blacks celebrate Nowruz just as same as any other Iranian and among themselves the hajifiruz wears the same outfit while being a black dude dancing around and everyone is happy and thats the end of it.   
