Rand Paul spars with Fauci in heated exchange over COVID origins

Sen Rand Paul on something here, I also believe the Virus was made in a lab and released, because you cant convince me that a virus can ever leave a lab accidently, it was released on purpose, the question is, what sick bastard or bastards could have done it and for what sinister purpose, I think the answer is in the question, we need to get to the bottom of why some hesitate to get to the bottom of these questions, another question is, follow the money, who have benefited from this and who have paid the highest price for this, because damages has been done here and somebody need to answer for all this, if they did it once they sure hell can do it again, we need more brave elected officials like Rand Paul here to seek out the answers we all need, this is for the greater good, it shouldnt be a partisan issue this, we all need to collaborate and solve the mystery of what the hell happened.
And I also want to say this, I of course have no evidence for this but this is what I believe, I dont believe there are any micro chips in the vaccine, I dont believe its designed to kill you or to weaken your immune defenses, I could be wrong but at this moment I dont believe that, from what I know the vaccine is a more potent flue shot designed more to deal with this particular virus, and if you want to go and take the shot then do it, I am neutral on this, I dont want to say to people whether they should take it or not, I dont think its something dangerous, I dont think it will kill you if you took it, it wouldnt kill me, but thats because I am bullet proof, only kryptonite would come close to kill me but you dont have any kryptonite around so I am cool, baby, not even the Devil have access to Kryptonite, or that bastard would have used it by now, so I know he doesnt have it, because he is a loser lol he can kiss my ass :):)
