Scientist fear the 'immoral' dangers of human cloning | 60 Minutes Austr...

Look here is how it is, if they could clone humans they would have by now in many many numbers because they couldnt have resisted taking that leap, so if they could you would have known about it, but here is how it actually works and this argument of mine is evidence that they havent been able to clone human beings that are alive, with a soul, the argument against their desirers is this, unlike any other creatures in the creation, we human beings share a part of the Creators own Soul, everything living have a soul, but on different degrees, the Soul of the Creator is the highest degree of course, and on the lowest degrees are vegetation plants, but again unlike any other even super intelligent creatures we humans share some of the Soul of the Creator, and He will NEVER allow anything of His closest ones we humans to be corrupted by Luciferian scientists, He would if anyone could perhaps clone from the race of the Unseens, corrupt those souls or even clone from any races of the aliens, but not His own, so this is why you see cloned animals but you have never seen clone human beings, from what I know and some other higher ups in the structure, there is only one cloned person, thats the only one God allowed to be cloned and live, other than him there are no others and never will be likes of him ever again, I am sure the Luciferians have tried to replicate that person by trying to reclone him over and over again but never succeeded, this is as far as I know, and they did it many decades ago and ever since they have not been able to replicate him, you could wonder why, because technology has progressed since then but they still have not been able to replicate it, this is strong evidence of what I am telling you, that mankind is not in control of anything really, they are trying to play god but what they have instead managed is to anger the Creator, I wouldnt even say angered God because you cant anger God, how could you ever anger someone that is in absolute full control of everything in His existence, you cant anger the Creator frustrate Him because He is above that, above anything that belittles Him, what He has done is when He created freewill to let us decide what fate we will chose for ourselves, and if you think about it, there is nothing more fair and just than this, He created a fair playing field and let us and all in His creation to decide where they want to eventually go, meanwhile He has put in measures for those of us to have a free way to a final salvation, I can give you an example here, imagine you are a parent and moved your family again out of YOUR free will, next to a volcano you know eventually will explode and kill everyone in its sight, and dont blame God why He created volcanos, if you know anything about physics or geology you know nothing at all would exist if the laws of nature wouldnt have been designed they way they are, so you take your family and move next to something dangerous and what do you know the thing goes off and kill you adults and your innocent children, what many of you naive man childs are asking how could this most just God of ours allow these innocent children to get killed, to you I have nothing to say because if you have not understood that you are to blame for your own stupidity and ignorance by now nothing will get through your dumb ass heads, but what God has said he will handle these situations is to give a free way to these innocent children a straight path to Paradise, something many of you man childs will not accept that there are more to this life, life always continues, once you were created and born you will never stop seize to exist, believe it or not I dont care, nobody care, it doesnt matter what you think or not, it is what it is, and you have no influence to change any of this, its not up to you, I can get frustrated in people like you but you can never in any way even you Luciferians harm or change anything than what you have been allowed to manipulate to change, you Luciferian scientists know this because you havent been able to clone any human beings, you are wasting your time with playing with lower creatures like yourselves, like animals, your master Satan has given you false hopes that you could, but as a matter of fact is, you havent been able to do what you want, because here is the truth of things, these Luciferian scientists are NOT dependent of any research institute in New York and any national laws to do what they want, setting up an advanced lap on some island somewhere is of no efforts for the followers of Satan with all the money and wordily influence they have, if they want to do something they would, its that simple, all this you see in this clip is for public audience a show, what these scientists feel there and know is the fact that there is only one cloned human being but they cannot and have not been able to replicate it for decades, so they are frustrated, but they are keeping their masks and want to make you believe they are all powerful and can if they wanted clone more, so they are full of crap, again what they have managed to do is to bring our existence only closer much closer to its end, because when you go to become this arrogant that you think you can corrupt something very dear to the Creator, rest assured you havent angered Him but you have very much angered the closest to God that is the warriors angels  and soon the order will be given to wipe you all out, and this has ALWAYS been the grand plan of Satan, to have you all wiped out to the last one of you, on the Day of Judgement Satan will say, I never forced you dumb asses to do anything, you did it to yourselves you dummies yourselves, because Satan looks down on all you monkeys, just as you look down on the apes, can you imagine the most arrogantly evil wealthiest elites want to have any of in the animal kingdom next to him or her, of course not, these Luciferians look even down on the rest of their own race let alone cherishing animals, you have seen how they fox hunt havent you, how they mercilessly hunts animals for their enjoyment, for fun of it, now think how Satan thinks of you idiots, you have no idea what you have done, you are doomed and because of your arrogance you have doomed your children too, now write to God and complain all you want, see if that will change anything, complain till the day you die, because on the Day of Judgment, you wont be able to even make a single sound by opening your mouths, in Hell you can scream all you want, this will be the fate of 99,99% of you world leaders, mark my words, what I am telling you is the truth.
