'The Five' reacts to rise in shoplifting, theft plaguing Democrat-led ci...

Somebody need to airlift me to Texas or something because the Dems are destroying this country, I have to be honest here, the Reps are better for business of the whole country, with the policies they have people do better, the Dems what they are good at is to present a nice face to things but the interior is rotten, the Reps are the precise opposite, their exterior is rougher but their interior is smoother, and they are better for business too, it all comes down to earning to make money and the more money people do the better off they are, the smoother a state operates, something I cant say with CA, look its easy to prove, the red states are cheaper to live in, why is that, because they are better governed, its simple as that, shoplifting food is one thing if you have nothing to eat, but what is going on here is encouraging people to become criminals, they are getting paid to stay home and with all that time on their hands with no punishment for crimes like shop lifting expensive cloths and other stuff, what message is that sending to people, this is unbelievable whats going on.

President Super Trump ! if you decide to run for office again, I will fully support you, fully !!! send people for me to move either to Florida or to Texas, I am serious, do something man !!! you dont have to listen to anyone, just do it, and you are a buddy. 
If you dont I will be forced to move back to Sweden, very very soon, this is serious, there is not much time left.
