The Hindu priest struggling to cremate India’s Covid dead

I am going to be a little bit critical towards my Hindu friends, correct me if I am wrong, all major religions claim their way of life is what the superior one and the way all of humanity should follow, because they are right and others are wrong, I dont think I am wrong that all major religions make this claim, so I am thinking, if my Hindu friends and I do consider you a friend, as people I have zero against you and as people the ones I have met I like you, I believe all cultures have contributed to the betterment of mankind, I love Indian music foods there are many great things Indians have provided us all, I am as you know critical to all different peoples and their way of life, you know how much I criticize in depth Muslims the Persians the Arabs the Jews you name it but now now you my Indian friends have caught my attention, too bad for you :) kidding, but my criticism is valid I think so I am gonna continue, again correct me if I am wrong, you Hindus like all others believe your way of life and my that I mean the things I am criticizing not the other good things, so dont take me wrong, I am criticizing parts of your beliefs, like this with cremation, and you are not the only ones, the Swedes and others practice the same thing, so my criticism is directed towards them too, but right now I am directing it to you Hindus, you believe the way you are dealing with the dead is the right one and everyone else is wrong, you believe all should practice your way of dealing with the dead by cremating them, my question is, if the whole world would practice your way by cremating ones dead and to throw their dead bodies in your Ganga river, what if the whole world brought their dead ones and left it to float there and what if the whole 8 billion peoples cremated their deads, would it be anything left of the planet, you have already polluted your breathing air in India with the burnings and now you complain there is no oxygen left when you could have left the trees to clean up the pollutants in the air when you could have burred your dead ones in the ground and did both yourselves a big favor and mother earth natures as well, but as both of us can see, the way you have handled this issue have only made the situation lot worse, the evidence is clear and you are feeling it yourselves, you are doing it out of your religious beliefs but the hypocrites in Sweden who claim they are so environmentally aware, whats their excuse, they are the hypocrites, these fake environmentalists, I am not calling you hypocrites because this is your religious beliefs, I still think you are wrong because of what it can caused, when you where a hundred million then things hadnt come to this point you are in right now with no air to breathe, but right now you are 1,5 billion, now its serious and it will only get worse lot quicker if you continue chopping down the remaining trees to cremate many others to come, wouldnt it better if you just gave the dead to the Earth from which we were created of, to be the good keepers of what was given to us in good trust, save yourselves the air and do best with the recourses you still have left is my advise to you, good luck, and to the hypocrites, I have nothing to say to you.
