UFO (2021) Official Trailer | SHOWTIME Documentary Series

1.22 the one I saw was as bright as this one, bright as the sun, it was coned shaped smooth shaped and enormous, one moment it was there next it was gone, imagine me standing there at close and starring at it for 30 seconds or so, then I had to get back into the cabin of the boat to do something urgent, between 20-30 seconds later it had disappeared, I knew it was there for me, it had me in its sight, and just as I left it to go inside the boat, it took off, I will talk more about it in my book, but yes, they are REAL !!! and not all of them are nice, they seek to destroy us, and there is nothing you can do about it, where I will be will be safest place and I am leaving America very soon, you have Biden to look after you and his masters, good luck with that. 
