Afghanistan veteran speaks out about the fall of Kabul, Taliban taking p...

Have you guys noticed one thing, not one veteran on either side of the political channels have been invited to agree with the withdraw, not one single one, what you have seen a bunch of are these mercenaries who wants to sell a book sell something by themselves or for someone else, while we know 95% of the veterans we know have been begging to get out of Afghanistan and stop wasting peoples tax dollars on something unwinnable, withdrawing today is better than withdrawing tomorrow and you have wasted 20 years on something people were asking their corrupt politicians to do, but here came the mainstream media on both sides arguing against it, and they are continuing to do so, both of them, war is a racket we know, we also know its not the ordinary citizens benefitting from it, a small group of corrupt minded individuals seeking to sell something do, they dont talk about how many veterans have been left for themselves to defend for themselves here in this country and how many of them are committing suicide but you bring these others on who wants to pitch their new book, as if his life is more valuable than these homeless veterans I see everyday, go fuck yourself, you all are corrupt, shame on you all, fucking hypocrites, damn you all, I am moving out of there, fuck this place.  
