Afghanistan’s future: Taliban members prepare to appoint government | Al...

To the Talib leadership !
Islamic sharia is the way of Prophet Mohammad, on his wedding he had music playing and people were dancing, so if you are true to the way of the Prophet, let people play music and let them enjoy their stay in this world, in this way they will become better believers, I trust this is what you want, for people to become stronger and better believers, let the beauty salons be open too, life is harsh as it is, let people enjoy their private lives after work time, life is not about suffering constantly, you know very well the way of the Prophet, one third of his the little money he had went to the poor, two third went to supporting his family, and the rest he spent on himself with always being sharp looking, spend time and efforts to smell good with nice perfumes, so on and so forth, this was his way, his image was of importance to him and the way he presented himself, and he also always had a smile on his face, I want my Talibs to take after him if you have respect his legacy, so be nice to people, be kind and have a losts of patience with people who doubt you, I know it wont be easy and you will be tested over and over again but if you want to succeed you need to do all these things, and also, keep the old Afghan flag as the official one, it will work better for you and what you are trying to accomplish, and as I have stated, when things calm down a bit, make your followers all Talibs to go through a course of one month to educate them how to treat people, this is very important, otherwise they wont know how things should be, they have to go through this educational course, education is everything, ALL Afghan children must go through a twelve years of education, it has to be obligatory, up to the ninth grade, all children will receive economical assistance to their families for having their kids in schools, give them something, like 50 dollars a month for having their kids go to schools, do that and within ten years Afghanistan will be transformed I promise this, take these steps and money for it will be provided by Gods will, the UN and countries will chip in and provide you with the necessary funds you need, while you are at it, do NOT I repeat do NOT allow one single puppy grow where you can help it, remove this curse upon your country or God will continue to punish Afghanistan, go after the warlords with everything you have, those are your true enemies, so go after them and force them to stop with what they are doing, and if any farmer is greedy enough to still cultivate puppy, he must receive 50 lashes and if he continues next time he will receive 100 ones, see if he likes it them and next time 150, but there has to be some kind of punishment for it, cant let them just continue, the warlords, they will will be given one chance to stop with this trade, if they continue, they must get executed, to the warlords, there wont be much mercy, le the people of Afghanistan know what the deal is, again, be nice as Prophet Mohammad was, be the best representatives of him and what he stood for, dont dishonor him, be kind to people, people are too afraid, remove this fear they feel for you, the capital of Afghanistan should remain in Kabul, make no drastic and ethnic changes like that, include all Afghans for talks and share with them of what you have, tell them that everything is ok, everything is going to be alright, if you do this the right way, I also want all of Afghanistan to be very clean, the streets must be very clean, no trash where it is not supposed to be, everything has to look absolutely clean, teach people how to compost, plant greeneries everywhere, when God looks upon your cities from above, He likes it when it looks green, its His color you know, Talib fighters should while they keep the peace in the cities also be busy being gardeners, planting greeneries cleaning up the streets and show the masses how its done, and they will take after you, so these are the things you need to get down as soon as things calm down a bit, good luck :)
And if anyone asked who said that, tell them I said that, and they must listen to me, they have religious obligations to listen to me, its their duty to do so, tell them that, good luck :) 
