Biden speaks after Afghanistan's government collapses

You did the right thing President Biden, dont mind what the warmongers say on both sides of the isle, if it was up to them, they would have stayed for another century paying with other peoples blood and tax dollars to enrich themselves, these corrupt spokes men and women of the military industrial complex, fuck em, you did the right thing, sometimes its just better to pull it out if you know what I mean, otherwise you will end up paying child support till the day you die, and look we all saw this coming, the victory of the Talibs because when you have half of the Afghan military commanders being a bunch of kid fucking pedophile rats, why should the regular Afghan men defend that kind of corruption, and you ask why the moral was low, it was low because people bent over to these pedophile child molesting commanders, they should be executed for their failures right now if you ask me, and all Afghan presidents should also held accountable for allowing this to happen, they all bear responsibility, in this respect, I am actually happy the Talibs came back to power, now there will be less of this crap, or I hope so, it better be, cant have pedophiles running the show anywhere, because this will be the result of what they cause in the end, its bad for morality, these pedophiles run the show by fear, in reality most of their own supporters will turn on them when time will be presented to them, because people are not actually loyal to them, they fear them, people are braver and more much more loyal if they love you, something these criminal luciferians doesnt seems to understand, but its all good, it works just fine for me, its all working in my favor and thats always a good thing ;) baby :) but to be serious, I just told you why all these efforts failed, because of these rotten commanders and leaders like these Afghan presidents, they should get most of the blame those corrupt bastards.
