Black Entrepreneurs in Cannabis Industry Push for a Piece of the Profits...

Let me be the joy kill that I can be sometimes here too, to anyone who produces distributes and sell these intoxicates will with very great certainty go to Hell, you think you are clever you think you are on top of your game right now with polluting the next generation and this is more directed at you colored people, instead of uplifting your kind what do you do, you take advantage of them, you (are) the Uncle Toms, Jaz (is) many times worse than any Uncle Toms of that slave era anyone could be, he is the worst, and anyone like him, instead of sending a positive message that bring out the best of his race, what does he do, he is (yes) pushing you down farther on the ladder than you already are at, and idiots like this fat chick is admiring him for it, look my African Americans ! I am just fooling around, I know Trump said it once, I dont mean it like that, I am just messing around, because I am a friend, and the King of Wakanda, so I can say that, the King can say whatever the hell he wants, thats the deal, and the reason the King can say that is because the King fuckin cares man, dont you get it, anyways, look my colored friends ! I know what you need, you need better rolemodels, and a pretty one, like myself, you need something like me, doesnt have to be precisely me, but the next best thing, what you need is something far away from this culture you have created for yourselves, you need to go back to be more like MLK, like Malcom X, like folks in those days, like your grand parents, imagine with the recourses you have today with the information at your hand but with the discipline with the culture of your grandparents, imagine what you could have become, but look at you now, worshiping the worst of what your race these little youngsters these so called artists of yours today, with no talent no class now substances no nothing and the best of these low lives is your Jazs and such, and instead of putting what God has granted to him in this life to use it for good, look what he is doing, polluting you further instead of making you better, because you have come to learn to worship money wealth over brains, and you are not the only ones, but right now this is about you, look the path to a better life is, first, with God, next is with education and in order to learn easier you cant burn up your braincells and pay for it too with your efforts, money and time you have spent to make things even more difficult for you, you need a healthy brain to quickly learn new stuff and put that you have learned into good use, this is the path to success, not handing over your money to Jaz and his investors, he doesnt care about you, but I do, so you should all listen to me, look I am creating an international cult its gonna be the greatest thing ever with chapters all around the world and I need smart people that love their cult leader, the King of Wakanda thats me and I am expanding alright and I need YOU !!!
I havent smoked a cig all day, I think you have noticed on the manner I am expressing myself here today :) but its all right, I feel healthy right now, and thats a strange feeling, feeling healthy, I mean more healthy than otherwise, so what do a dude do with so much energy left, mess with the Jews, the mollas, the Bad News Biden Administration lol I dont know, so many to chose from :)
