Chalian: Biden's big miss in Afghanistan interview

You all in the mainstream media both sides on the isle are full of shit, you are there paid to spew your moronic arguments, 80% of the American people and 99% of the world citizens are for the foreign forces to be pulled out of Afghanistan yet you in the mainstream media do not reflect the views of the American people but as we all have seen argue against American people and their point of view on this matter, you havent brought one single person who represent the 80% of those who agree with the withdrawal, because you all paid warmongers, all your arguments are invalid and ridiculous, the President is NOT the one who sits there and plan how military operations should be conducted, Pentagon does, and we know there are those in Pentagon who would like the US to stay there for another hundred years, in my view some there made it so that it would reflect bad on President Biden and now you in the mainstream media are amplifying these views, shame on you, one can dislike some of the aspects of a presidents policies or his personality or something else, its normal no one is perfect but it takes a man with substance with conviction with courage to invite all that heat upon himself to do the right thing, President Kennedy did the same thing and back then you in the mainstream media opposed him too for wanting to pull out of Vietnam, again shame on you spineless worms, but here is the thing, 80% of the American people agree with President Biden on the decision he made, and despite some of the policies people dont agree with him, I hope they reward him for making the hardest of all decisions that both saved many lives and treasure for this country and its people, President Biden showed backbone when it came down to it, and I hope and pray the American people dont forget what he did, and rewards him and those who stood with him, he deserves nothing less, he is now a true hero in my eyes, I hope future presidents and leaders learn from what you just saw from a man with dignity and honor, a mans man.
The fact is, not many could see the 300 000 strong Afghan army give up in a few days, and you have to ask yourselves why they did, I can answer you this, they had zero confidence in Ghani that super corrupt president who sold the Afghans out every step of the way, and if anyone knows president Ghani is the Afghan soldiers, they knew him, and guess where Ghani is right now, in UAE, the most corrupt place on Earth, where all the high level criminals are gathered, UAE is the safe haven for all corrupt sons of bitches on this planet, and no wonder Ghani went there to seek refuge from justice, he should be put on a wanted list by the Interpol ! 
I am asking all you friends from all corners of the world, to support this decision and oppose all those corrupt politicians in your countries arguing for more ever endless wars, vote them out in the coming elections, you know who they are, they are not precisely hiding their views, I can do nothing but recommending you to also make yourselves heard loudly, dont give the mice to the warmongers to spew their shit around, if you are on the Anti War Movement from any corner of the world, then you know what to say, so say it !!! dont be afraid, whatever happens is in the hands of God, and we know He doesnt like the aggressors and these blood thirsty criminals and their spokes people, He said ' blessed are the peacemakers' the instructions are clear friends, now act on it, its your duty as good people of this planet to oppose wars and conflicts, act upon your duties as human beings, dont be like these blood thirsty vampires.  
