Extended Interview: Gen. Petraeus On Afghanistan | Nightly News Films

What an incompetent general Patraeus is, he either is stupid or just ignorant, neither of these trades are suitable for a general, I think he is both stupid and ignorant, here are the fact why so many Afghan government soldiers died in fighting the Talibans, one reason is they were some of the most least disciplined ineffective fighting force the world have ever seen, and there are many reasons for this, the main reason is, everything seems to be a joke to them, they cant take anything seriously when you rather take hashish breaks during gun fights, or in the middle of a gun fight he remembers he should have called his brother asking him if he had found his keys leaving the fight to make a phone call, look when you are fighting long side a bunch of drug addicts what do you expect, you fight long side grown up children with very little IQ, no amount of money poured into a fighting force like this can ever win you a battle let alone a war, then you have the issue of their commanders who regularly molest other little boys in their military bases and nobody seems to care, and on top of that they had nothing to fight for, except the next paychecks to buy more hashish or heroin to sustain themselves with, and with people high like that with their brains at large somewhere else walking into a gun fight walking around talking to yourself like a zombie and get shot and die and you wonder why you could never win even with superior numbers and equipment, when your equipment what remains of it in your head is long gone what do you except, but Petraeus still think he was on a good road "defeating" the Talibans, what a stupid guy, he shouldnt be around any where such decisions are made, he is too incompetent, why do you even bring him on air ????
