Florida Governor Bans School Mask Mandates | The View

According to the data I came across, over 7000 children diagnosed with covid and one unfortunately passed away, thats 0,007% fatality rate, and you want to shut down the whole economy over these low numbers ?? isnt it better to have a strong economy to cope with the costs of hospitalizations over closing down the economy when you still have to come up to pay for hospitalizations anyway, what this administration and Dems have done is allowing inflation to rise to record levels by borrowing money from the FEDs that has to be paid back with higher living costs, and all the other unnecessary costs that has come by shutting everything down, look even if the FEDs interest rates are at zero, the FEDS are still making earning trillions by printing money from NOTHING, because for every trillions the government is borrowing, the FEDs are enriching themselves from every trillion they led out, so it doesnt matter if the interest rates are at zero, and again, who is paying it all back, the citizens are, instead of making these families richer, isnt it better to have a functioning economy up and running to keep people in their feets, but right now, the government is borrowing money to pay for peoples vaccines, to pay for peoples rents over the bad policies they have created, to pay for other countries vaccines, the Dems even want to borrow hundreds of trillions to vaccinate the whole world, where will this madness end, it looks like the Dems deliberately want to bring this country to its feets, and of course other corrupt leaders want the tax payers of this country to pay for all their bad policies too, everyone seems to want to loot what is left of this country to the point of collapsing it, if these Dems want to vaccinate the whole world, why dont they STOP cashing their government paychecks with their own salaries first, they are already millionaires, they dont need their salaries, if they want to be sucha good examples such good role models, why dont they show the way and donate all their salaries to the cause first then start asking others to pay for their adventures, Americans need to wake the hell up to what is going on here, this is absolute madness, we have 400 000 annual flue deaths, covid has killed thats 20% more than the annual flue season, and you want to bring the whole country to verge of collapse, have you people lost your minds, businesses are suffering, people need to earn their livelihoods, you on this show, you are getting handsomely paid, when have you suffered from financial restrains lately, you are have servants that do everything for you, you have your own chefs while 99% of people here are just getting by, some dont even know where their next meal will come from, you of all better shut the hell up, you are only conserved over yours because you dont want to lose a penny you have earned, being dramatic and stuff here, you are putting all your acting skill on good display here, I stand with the regular people here, why would I take your side over theirs, I wont, I refuse, you and the leaders you stand behind and promote are nothing but bid damn hypocrites, liars, thieves, corrupt.  
