Fox News reads climate czar John Kerry's emissions report on air

There is no bigger hypocrite than John Kerry, and the only reason he got the assignment he was appointed to is because he is a member of the Bones, the Skull and Bones, other than that he got no credentials other than being a hypocrite, I always said, dont never follow or pay attention to anyone who doesnt practice what they preach, like the mollas, the Iranian mollas sit on a foundation of Imam Reza, worth hundreds of billions of dollars, then the Iraqi mollas like Sistani sits on a similar foundation, worth in the same amount, at least tens of billions, yet they dress like poor men, like vagabonds but here is the thing, some people just like the idea to have control of that amount of money, they dont have to spend it on themselves, their relatives would, but as the head of the so called family, they dont need to spend a penny on themselves like billionaires here would, but they like the idea of people coming over to kiss their butts and ask them for favors, they like the power the authority of it, so my question is, we know these mollas sit on loads of wealth, why wont they spend it on their people, to provide them things like electricity things to improve their lives, investments like that, but they wont, what they do instead these satanic mollas is to establish banks, to lend that money over to people and receive interest on it, the mollas of Iran have their IRGC Bank they call Sepah Bank, they lend people money and receive interest on it, things we know God has prohibited but do you think these mollas care for what they preach, of course they dont, because they are hypocrites like John Kerry, Kerry is from one Luciferian society and the Shia mollas from another, and you all know how much they like one another, imagine the Bones and the mollas, what a love affair.
So here is how it works and this is what I am for, I am for oil, I am very much for it, and I also am against this climate agenda of these hypocrites, let me explain further, the reason I am for oil as long as it doesnt destroy the area the soil its taken out of like fracking, I am very much against that, because you have to use precious freshwater to pump into the ground to force the gases out, then it goes to pollute the ground water nearby and thats never a good thing, so I am against fracking, but pumping out oil and burn it, I am not against that, I rather have it used for other means like creating better and cheaper composites things we have to work on closer at, but even burning it as fuel I have no issues with that, and the reason is this, sure its harming the planet, but I believe it will happen anyway, we cant stop the trend, its gonna get lot worse, there is no turning back at this point anyway, yet I believe when the Creator sees it fit, when you people have nearly destroyed the planet and yourselves, after that event, those who will remain will become the best of Believers ever existed, because at that time, the remaining ones will clearly recognize that, not are not alone on this planet, that your corrupt leaders your religious leaders all lied to you all this time, you will recognize there are are other forces above us watching us right now, and when the order from the Creator comes to give us the technology the assistance we need to turn this planet for the better, thats when the remaining ones of you will realize that you were right and those who are not with you, they were wrong, so for now that we all are here together, I suggest, we shouldnt make life more difficult for the struggling class, the working class by taxing the hell out of them for the mistakes you filthy rich and well connected so called elites have caused, its gonna get lot worse anyway, so lets enjoy what remains of it till then lol but the criminal elites, they dont want that, they are so greedy they still want you to pay for their adventures till the day you die, and in my view, its not fair, because at the end of the day, all these elites are going to pay the heaviest of prices for their arrogance for disbelieving and for spreading mischief on this Prison Planet.
So keep on drilling, do it in a clean way, make fuel the cost of energy be as low as it can, and let people enjoy what is left of their mislabel lives, thats what I say.
