Free Will, The Unabomber, and The Harvard LSD Studies

You are starting at the wrong end guys, there is no such thing as karma or reincarnation as such, there is only the Creator who is all powerful, here is how it works, and top Luciferians know about how it works, let me again explain to you how it works, you can believe it or not, its up to you.
Before this life we were NOT in any other existence of consciences, after you get born is the first time you come into consciences, the Creator who exist OUTSIDE His creation, the Creator who created time and space, all of it, everything, and with time I mean, its easy for Him to know what will happen from the beginning of His creation that is time to the end of it, time does NOT affect the Creator because He exist OUTSIDE of it, you get it ?? doesnt affect Him, He knows what soul to send into a fetus, He knows what that soul will do before from the beginning to its end, but there is no end to it, there was a beginning but no end to anything in existence after it was created, the soul and everything will go on to exist in other forms, into other dimensions, but a soul is not matter, matter is NOT conscient, its just matter, so when the Creator appoints a soul into a fetus He sent that particular soul, He knows if that soul will be worthy of grace or if that soul is corrupt, so He sends it to where it deserves, this is why we always ask the Creator to grand a worthy soul to our children because the child actually does not belong to us, it shares of our (likeness) but thats about it, but if you are a righteous person as parents if the Creator sees it fit, if He doesnt have other plans, He will grant your wish and send a proper soul into the child that will bear your likeness, and with these two elements, both a comparable a good soul and the likeness of yours as parents is that happens then you are most lucky, but as Einstein said, that it seemed to him that God is playing check with Himself, because in midway it seems like somebody is interfering with creation and laws of science, in mathematics, you can see strange patterns emerge, when you start to understand how powerful the Creator is, it will not only blow your mind but things start to make sense, when you understand that everything is His will that He is in FULL control of EVERYTHING then things start to make more sense than if you start at the wrong end of the puzzle, the top Luciferians know this, thats why they beg God to grant them an evil soul to be sent into their children, they actually do and go through the most wicked practices for the Creator to send a corrupts soul to them as a child they deserve, this things happens and are real guys, because the Luciferians know the truth of how things actually works, they are not that stupid, look I have gone through this MK Ultra program as well, and when these Luciferians recognized that whatever they did they couldnt corrupt me, they started to lose hope in me, and after that they stepped up their efforts to kill me, but as they couldnt kill me as a seemingly defenseless child and trust me, if the Creator would allow them they would, because they are most evil, but God prevented them and ever since then, because they are not as powerful as some makes them to be, there is another One much above them, the One in full control of everything, so if you are interested in learning how things work, I am telling you here how, I am the foremost authority on these important matters, I have seen it, I have lived it and I have the experience and I have learned alot, I have been shown it, it has happened to me and I lived to tell about it, so dont waste your time on other theories, its a waste of good time, why are you wasting good time, stop walking in the shadows, I am showing you the light, I have found it :)
