I have done some more supreme thinking now that I am less busy here with my own chores, my message to our dear Talibs is this, I want to clarify something here, when I say you 'must' do something, I dont mean it arrogantly or to be rude, the reason I express myself directly sometimes like this is because I want to make the message short, I dont want to make things complicated and sometimes it comes out too direct perhaps, so dont take me wrong when I express myself directly, but I want you to do a couple of things I noticed you are paying attention to, which is a good thing, thats what we want, we all want to see Afghanistan get back on its feets, there are no tribes no groups no different Afghans with different beliefs, there are only one Afghanistan and only Afghans, thats how I see it, there is only, there is no God but God and Mohammad is His messenger, thatrs should be enough to unite all Afghans around, you all know who I am and if you want to succeed, you need to take my advise on issues at hand, if you do that you surly will succeed, I am the Leader of the community of all believers !!! we are worlds apart for now but in due time we will be united as one, Inshallah, but right now you read what I am saying and I see you acting on it, and for now its enough, this is what I need you to do.

I need you to get along with EVERYBODY including the US, let the by gones be by gones, I need you to talk with the Americans and have them reopen their embassy as soon as possible, this would be beneficial for you and for my Uncle Joe who is talking a lots of heat for doing the right thing, so you need to help me help him to get some of the head off his back, you can do this by writing un unexpected chapter in history by having your own American embassy in Afghanistan, this would shut the mouth of his critics, it would be great PR for both of you, in this way you will also minimize the brain drain from Afghanistan, this would make your reputation much more legit, this would make your governance much easier, because when I heard your own Afghan womens robotics team doing that good making a name for themselves, Afghanistan need more of that kind of good news, you need to take advantage of ALL your Afghan brainpower to uplift your Islamic society, you Talibs could usher in your own new golden age, wouldnt you want to take credit for that, sure you would, I can help you with that, but one hand alone makes no noise, we need to do this hand in hand, but one step at the time, talk to the Americans to move back to their embassy and we will take it from there, we could do great things here, good luck :) and make sure you put a firm end to ANY kind of corruption, no corruption of any kind, good luck :)
