How Global Puppet Masters Created a NEW WORLD ORDER

The time will come where these numbers will be reversed, or equalized more fairly, because what is going on in one country is whats going on in all countries around the world regardless of political structures, corruption and greed are mirror image of one another only different colors, the old colonizers are the same people the same families here in the west they have colonialized all mega companies like Big Pharma and are forcing governments with their corrupt politicians to buy Big Pharmas over priced and expensive drugs and force feeding it to people in mass numbers, now that there are not much more to loot from the poorer colonized nations they have set their targets of whats for their takings here, with higher taxes with higher consumer goods with energy and fuel costs, and you wonder why in times of crisis the rich get so much fatter while everyone are starving, because its all done by design, your blood sweat and tears goes to fatten these ugly fishes, where else do you think all that fat comes from, its your hard earned tax dollars that goes to these filthy rich and you can thank these politicians for it, they are their public spokes persons, they are hired to speak for them, so whenever you hear these politicians advocate for something, know that, he or she is speaking for someone else, thats how it works, and thats how they screw you.
