Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims thronged for the Shiite commemoration ...

And this is the month of the year where the Shias are beating themselves senseless and cutting themselves bloody, and when you ask them why, they say because we love that Imam or that, you should know the Shias didnt always were this crazy, their mollas programmed them pretty recently to act in this satanic manner, some Christian denominations are not better themselves, they say God the Creator of Universe, the God of all billions of other life forms in this Universe came down to them and let himself get beaten up bloody, why, they say because He loved us, the Creator of everything showed His love for them by allowing Himself to get humiliated by the hands of those whom He created, as if if God the Almighty couldnt have showed His love to his subjects in any other way, if He wanted us all to believe in Him, because thats the core of it all, for us to believe in Him, as if He couldnt done it in a more convincing and dignified manner, He could have done it is millions of other better ways, like showing us all things to fully convince us ALL to believe, here is another ironic thing, the Christians laugh at these Shias for showing their "love" for Gods messengers and prophets by beating themselves but when their own god did the same thing the Christians laugh and mock these Shias, the irony of it is over the top, but it is what it is, I think both of them are out of their minds, and as you all know, many Christian denominations do exactly what these Shias do anually, its the same damn madness, listen friends, the Creator of us all is the same Creator of all living intelligent beings everywhere, He doesnt need to fall to our level of stupidity to prove something, He wants to see, how many of us are smart enough to recognize His majesty in His creation and who are stupid enough to fall for the worldly, He wants to separate between those capable to use their brains gifted to them and those who are on the lower stage in creation, the dumb ones, I hope you my friends are smart enough to recognize what I am directing you towards, its the right path not the path of those who went astray, let God sort it out, let these fools go their own way, how so many of them whom chose the wrong path wont have the slightest affect on the Creator, Hell is big enough for all of them and more, there is plenty of room there, so let them be, while we on the other hand, we will do our thing, and our thing a wise man said is always better than their thing, much better ;)
