Hypocrisy And Lies: Rep. Tlaib Vs. Sen. Paul

The Paul family are good people, I can testify of that, they are true patriots with courage to stand up and speak their truth, here is what I have to say to the sceptics, because this is what I saw with my own eyes, at the peak of the pandemic last year, when I was forced to seek medical attention after I broke my wrist, I visited three hospitals, and honest to God, all hospitals were totally empty, so much so that I thought, arent anyone sick or in need of medical attention in this town even outside this pandemic, truth be told, I in the ICU I saw tops five people waiting to see a doctor and none of them had anything to do with Covid, and inside the hospital it was so silent that you could hear a nail drop, and this was the biggest hospital in town, then a few days later I visited two other hospitals and there the same thing, totally empty, even the parking lots were empty, but if you watch mainstream media the story is that they are over crowded and over capacity, I suggest you fold visit your own towns many hospitals and see if there are tens of thousands of covid inmates or of they are truly that busy with what the mainstream is telling you via your tv channels, I find it not credible, something else is going on here they are not telling you about it, I am not suggesting people have not died of this covid business, we have around 400 000 death from the annual flue, thats 1100 deaths a day from the regular flue, if you saw that numbers on daily basis that would scare the hell out of you too, so I suggest gather your own evidence and see what the hell this thing is all about because one thing is for sure, the shameless politicians who are pushing these restriction on you are not following the guidelines themselves, because they know its bullshit, covid is a money making scheme, they want to collapse the western societies to give rise to something much more sinister, NWO !
