Interview: Gov. Gavin Newsom On Recall Election, State's COVID Response

I now very urgently ask all my friends here to go and cast your vote of support for Gov Newsom because if you get a Republican in, you know it will come with an initial cost of more wars, you need people who are for peace and with peace comes prosperity, there is nothing more costly than wars, and if you get the point then you need to do yourselves a big favor, make the time in your schedules and support Gov Gavin Newsom, please do it, dont sit this one out, the Republicans talk the good talk but then they turn their backs on you and support every conflict there is out there, we dont need more conflicts, we need world peace !!! we need to set the example for even people like the Talibs that, if they are for peace and to better peoples lives, we will support these efforts, if we keep putting them down, the result will be them hardening themselves like with everyone else thats not a good thing, we want to encourage people to better themselves, they need more encouragement, not unfair trash talkings, I am confident, if we support peace efforts even with those who we had doubts about, pushing them towards the right path, they will jump on it and take it, they will take our hands, and the result of this will only benefit ALL, this is what we have to do, so do everyone a big favor and support Gov Newsom, thank you.  
