Iran on the situation in the country - Security Council Media Stakeout (...

As I am sure manyt of you friends have recognized by now is that the UN has turned in to the waling wall for all the words corrupt governments, they come here to put up a show, is it really hard to acknowledge the fact that all countries name one that is not run by criminals at top, you cant name one single one, so why should we concern us about what act they put on and what complains they against each other, who cares I say, who cares when nothing but a bunch of corrupt and godless governments go up against one another, it shouldnt concern us at all, what I am about to tell you I was told by one of the top Luciferians, that person have seen most of it, the person told me that even after the revolution of 1979 in Iran, the mollas and their parties, the mollas and their wives had lavish parties, events where there were two doors to the party, one for the men (mollas) with how they dress and everything, and their black chador wearing wives and when they both entered in on the other side of these two doors, they undressed wearing all their expensive jewelry and partied like animals, I swear to God this I was told by one of their top molla agents, and that person I know for a fact is a devil worshiper, there are lots more I can say about the mollas which I have and I also have made many of you use your own logic and see what the mollas do the things we know of things out in the open, if any of their actions resembles anything a God fearing group would do, like, lets talk about this retaliatory on this Israeli owned cargo ship, I have no doubt it was the mollas, they are indirectly admitting it, and I dont doubt their reason why they did it, the Zionists are doing it to them, so the mollas are retaliating, its natural, but it doesnt mean neither of them are in fact innocent, for me its more like two criminal corrupt regimes are going after one other, let me ask you this, if you have your senses in tact, as a God fearing person entuned with Scriptures, havent God said killing one innocent person is like killing all of humanity ?? and if you go back to what God prescribed to not only to Prophet Mohammad but to all His prophets and messengers what the rules of engagements are, you will very quickly find out, the rules are very strict, very limited, He said alot how and when His people are allowed to so called return fire, He always warned them not to harm anyone but if they had a weapon in their hands IN BATTLE !! and even then there are strict rules on how to go about to finally take a mans life, He always stressed to show mercy first second and third, so let me ask you, when you as a molla attack a commercial ship, doesnt matter if it belongs to the enemy or not, but if you happen to kill anyone in that caravan, rest assured that you have taken the life of an innocent person, it goes for the mollas and the Zionists and anyone else, but as godless as these criminal self serving cults are, do you think they care the least about these words of God, of course they dont, they passed that ship long ago, and I have told you that 95% of Afghan heroin goes through Iran to its final destination the west, the mollas anually when they put another show on display and burn a few hundreds of kilos of what we dont know what they actually are burning up for the sake of the viewers, a little bit of weed and the rest could be sugar for all we know, who knows, the point it, hundreds of tons of heroin is still passing though, and rest assured the mollas their IRGC are there to make sure every gram of it counts, look friends, I have told you, the same heroin business was going on under the Shah, his sister was the one in control of the heroin trade, here in Santa Barbara that bitch purchased a mansion nobody else could have afford with security paid for better than the president have, that kind, see what I mean, so knowing what we know about how the world is governed, it only comes to one conclusion, above them all, there is only one singular group controlling them all, and they are Luciferians, loyal to something very sinister, so listen to me friends, and I need you to trust me, dont get attached to any of these criminal groups in suits from your individual countries, you are a fool if you follow any ideology out there, the real final true ideology, it has no name attached to it, got it, because its you who know better, teach this to your children !!! I have more trust in the new generation than you old timers, because the younger generation have not been so heavily programmed to follow in line of any ideology, the newer generation is better informed but also more targeted to lose their souls to the worldly, that is the danger they face, they should be aware of this, my advice is to our young people, dont follow any ideology religiously, take the best of what you think can be useful and dont subscribe to any particular ideology or party or group or anything like that, dont glue yourself to anything, be a free person, because I told you, politicians are actors and corrupt, look Elisabeth Warren, least month she was argued against crypto currencies, today she argues for it, and for you who have argued for cryptos for all the reasons you have mentioned, that is a way to decentralize power structures, what you fools dont seems to understand, you now have given incentives the go ahead for the Luciferians to start implementing all electronic monetary system and abolish cash all together, you brought about this Luciferian NWO with your own flawed arguments, because you think you have or had power, what you dont understand is, the Luciferians have always more power than you could ever muster, much more, you just gave the reason they were looking for, and as I have told you, Bitcoin was created by the Luciferians, I have told you, I was invited to jump along on it, but I refused then as I always will, my soul is not for sale, neither should yours if you know whats good for you.
I will talk more about this at a later point, just reflect on what I have said for now, and spread the message !!! 
