Jesse Watters 'shocked' Biden continues to dodge questions on Afghanistan

Everything is a damn joke to you on this damn panel the you spread disinformation, you idiots put the question out there of why Bagharam couldnt be used to evacuate ten thousands of American and at least equally as many Europeans and hundred thousands of others, you morons you idiots you highly paid propagandists, Baghram is around 1000 miles from Kabul, and between these two places is a lawless no mans land, you want to by road ! transport 100 000 evacuees from the Kabul the capital city to another city 1000 miles away on road and you think any of them would arrive there safely to get airlifted out of Afghanistan, you FUCKING shitheads, would you actually propose that is a good solution, would you like to take responsibility for half of the 100 000 evacuees death during this journey, because half of them wouldnt make the trip you fucking morons, the enemy would lay out IEDs all the way from Kabul to Baghram not to talk about the snipers and everything else laying in wait, look you fucking shit heads on this panel, why dont you go suck on something instead of coming here offering your thoughts on military operations, pussies like yourselves who are afraid of their own shadows should keep your opinions about critical subject matters of this magnitude to yourselves among yourselves and OFF AIR !!!! fucking boot lickers.
President Biden did the right thing and it couldnt been done better, I hope not one Republican ever win an election ever again, you would only bring this country to its knees with your war expenditures, you have ruined everything and you of all are offering solutions to the problems you caused, fuck you, at least the Democrats with all the short comings they have wouldnt drag this country into new wars, ruing peoples lives, so fuck you, fuck everything you stand for because you are more corrupt than everyone else, I hope not one Republican wins ever again, you are full of shit.

People should vote Democrats in all elections, I have had enough of this shit, and people should support President Biden, he did what none of these warmongers would do, so he must be supported, president Trump would have done the same thing, but he is not here so it doesnt count, but if he would I would have said the same thing about him, if you are for ending wars, I will support you, and if you are not, then go and fuck yourself, fuck all of you warmongers.
