Johnson: Iran must face consequences of 'outrageous' ship attack

Where were you and your government when a rouge ship deliberately tried to ram me over outside your own British coast, i never heard you condemn them, in fact your own government were watching and cheering I would sink right there, damn you people are evil, and where were you when I was taken out of Iran as a child flew me over to UK and in the airport sprayed me with whatever poison you prayed me with, and where you you when your own border costumes illegally confiscated my sail boat, you people are so rotten to the core so you of all better shut the hell up, what makes you better than the molla regime, you all are of the same corrupt seek, and you never compensated me for my loses, and as long as you dont, I will smear your name your royals familys name for as long as I live, watch if it was all worth it then you crooks.
