Leo Terrell blasts Olympic athlete for protesting national anthem

I understand if people have issues with the dark past history of some aspects of their country, thats understandable, but what you do not do on a global stage and it cant get more global than global sports stage, to shed more darkness upon your own country and anger those who you are asking to change in your favor, its so very contra productive, what are these people trying to achieve I cannot see, Oh No Obama is partly to blame for this, when he had the opportunity that dummy to add a Too to slogan of black lives matter, if he was smarter when he is nothing but a dummy, but if he took the great opportunity to add a Too, then we wouldnt have been here, Obama has been such a destructive such a negative force for bad for this country its beyond measure, and I bet his black ass still insist on that what he did was the right thing, I recognized then it got clear to me that, I cant work with idiots like him, I need smart intelligent and wise people around me cant have fools like him around to do great things, his punctured ass has to be left behind to do what he wants to do, cant drag him around as dead weight, he is sucha bad role model for people and I urge people not to pay any attention to him ever again, he has done you no good, in my eyes he is a traitor to the cause, so if you as a black person want to achieve something, do it in another way, the white the red the yellows the brown people all these are your brothers and sisters, you need one another to achieve greatness, and if you believe in God not like Oh No Obama, you would know that once we were one and the same race, and in Paradise, there will be no races, all will be in the form we are today, all at the same age, again back to our original color, but nicer :) people like Oh No Obama he is programmed to cause division, he doesnt believe in any of this I mentioned, he is a blind man walking off the cliff, later to Hell, you dont have to go where he is heading, you can listen to me and perhaps God will show you mercy too, but before that, you need to get the fundamentals right to walk the straight path.
