Marc Thiessen: Radical Islam hasn’t ended its war against us

You "glorified" monkeys, you never ended the war against yourselves, the Devil made your logic seem fair to you because you are as rotten as he is, the world knows it wanst the Talibans or Bin Laden who brought down the twin towers, YOU did, you and the Israeli intelligence services the Saudi intelligence serves and YOURSELVES, and YOU on Fox news sold this lie to the American people and to the world, and YOU caused the deaths of millions with your lies, and you still keep conspiring, to what end ?? have America not suffered enough with lose lives with lost treasure and good time you could have used to do your own people justice instead of sucking them dry, President Biden finally did the right thing by the American people, you should get down on your knees and thank him, but yo wont because you have been captives by your own dark thoughts and points of view, I hope the American people finally wake up to the fact that, you are one evil bastards, you are the least patriotic bunch I have ever seen, you are traitors to this country and its people, no one has caused this country as much as you have, you are your own worst enemies, not the Muslims, not anyone but yourselves.
