Mike Pompeo calls out Biden's 'pathetic blame shifting' on Afghanistan

Bombeo is a bureaucrat who goes to where the wind blows best, he has no credibility, if any credit goes his way he is for it and when it doesnt he argues against it, thats the kind of hypocrite he is, a person like him doesnt stand for anything if it doesnt benefit him personally, he is there for his own sake not for the country he represents, and he is a warmonger too, because thats where the MONEY is, the man has so dignity, and he looks so much older now when he has lost weight, could barely  recognize him but one cannot forget his war mongering tone of voice, is there any way he has argued against, I dont think so, he is full of shit.

About whats going on in Afghanistan, I look at it from what Scriptures have taught us to view things, and I believe its the true the sound way of predicting whats going to happen to places to tribes to countries and on individual level, of course what I am about to say is not referring to all Afghans but its more generally speaking, I am viewing this from a macro perspective the grander scale with regards to this country and its people.
Afghans generally speaking are one of the least disciplined people least organized people I know of, trust me there are more people like them around the world but right now we are speaking about Afghanistan and its many people and tribes, they are a tribal people, which is a very negative thing in itself regardless how good of believers they think they are, in my view they are as people generally speaking one of the weakest believers on this planet, being tribal is something that is when you think about it very anti scripture, because we have been told that once we all belonged to one tribe, then disputed enveloped and as result we were divided as punishment, so the goal must always go back to our original state, that there is only one tribe that is humankind, but too many people dont seems to understand the basics and for this we are getting punished by our own doings over and over again till we have totally destroyed ourselves, and Afghans are just as dumb as so many of you out there, but again judging and predicting why and what will happen with these people is not that difficult in my view, look these very undisciplined people need a group to keep things together and because they are so very tribal in their nature, in their bad nature only one of these many corrupt but more disciplined groups can keep them together, that is the Talibs, and why do I say they are corrupt and not favored by God, well its very easy to answer that, the Talibs are benefitting from the heroin trade, they encourage pedophilia, Bache Bazi, which is actually imbedded in Afghan culture, its not necessarily a Talib thing but an Afghan thing, boy fucking, then I have explained why the Talibs are actually anti Quranic in their enforcement of their anti Islamic laws, in the Holy Quran God is telling us in clear words " If I wanted to impose My laws and make all of you believers, I could have done that, so why do you think you can force others to believe when I didnt, do you think you can impose your ways over My ways" its not the exact words but pretty close, but that what He basically said, when it comes to the dress code, as I have explained to you, He even gave women with no intention to marry even more freedoms in how they should dress, He never mentioned anything about covering once self from head to toe, He basically said dress modestly, both men and women, so why do these terror cults like the mollas and the Talibs to ISIL jihadis impose their ways when their own Scripture tell them in clear words how it should be, the answer is, CONTROLL, and as I have said its not hard to predict what will happen to these terror cults when they go so directly against the Word of God, He will curse the people who accept these criminal cult regimes, you think the Talibs are wining, they are not, they will fall and because as yo can see, the Talibs have soon taken over all of Afghanistan without a fight with people inviting them back to their wicked ways, its not too difficult to see that God has cursed that land and its people, because you invited these criminals to rule you, generally speaking, now you have to suffer the consequences of your decisions and unfortunately your so many bad decisions have made other innocent people to suffer with you, and on the Day of Judgment, the innocent will have their rewards in the Good Place while most of you will reap your rewards in hellfire, look what is going on in Afghanistan is what we see going on all around the world on this planet, Afghanistan is just a microcosm of whats going on, the issue here is, peoples accepted corruption on such massive scale that it will have as big of a consequence globally, now you have to deal with your decisions.
God have also promised change, out of His Supreme Mercy, He will not let us fully destroy ourselves, so I guess there is still some hope left.  
