Obama under fire for planning 'super spreader' party with up to 700 people

I could have been invited, but I didnt want to be seen with him, its bad for my reputation, its beneath me, I was once called a traitor for supporting him, and ever since my life has turned into a living hell, all because of Oh No Obama, I am not committing that mistake again, look he has gone down to be one of the most disliked presidents in history, nobody likes the guy, his ratings even amongst people on the left is I would say not more than 30% at best, over all I think only 10% of the American people sees him favorable, he is such a dumb ass, you cant associate him with anything good and positive he is a disaster, at the end of the day, Oh No Obama is a shameless appointee a corrupt politician and a poor one too for that matter, what he gets satisficed with is selling his books make appearances like he was promised for being such a good moppet for being such a good boy who is good at taking orders when he is told what to do, like a bitch, and thats what he will be remembered for, a bitch, you know what the funny thing is, the whole world is reading what I am writing about him lol it feels sooo good, thats his birthday present from me lol he can kiss my ass, not in a homosexual kind of way ! but from distance !! he is such a pussy, fuck him lol President Super Trump is so much cooler, and I think he would agree with every words I said here.
Am I right President Trump ?? :):) 
