Rep. Ilhan Omar talks eviction moratorium, guaranteed income program

What I fear and its justified on strong ground is the argument around inflation, because when it comes its NOT going away, any inflation is here to stay, so whatever policies proposes has to take that in account, I dont like anyone getting evicted either, I dont people losing the roofs over their heads, so my solution is this, sure for those who cannot pay their rents, the state shouldnt give them anything for free, what the state should do is to hire people as government employees and ONLY for the amount of whatever their rents are, give them tasks to do, a couple hours a day, so that it coves their rents alone, two three hours a day they have to work for the state in some capacity, cleaning the streets, fixing this or that, anything they can assist with for couple of hours a day, in this way these people will get out of their houses, and expand their contact nets to finally get a real job, in this way everyone wins, but they cant sit there at home fatten their butts expecting to get something for free, they are not doing themselves any favors nor the tax payers, butts needs to be moved around a little bit, or no rent payments !!
So set up an agency that can direct these people depending on their skills and put them to good use !! 
Mogadishu fo eva !! the King has spoken :) dont you people just love me, somebody just make me tjhe King of America and have it done with already, you know you want me :) you also need me, dont fool around and get in love, baby :)
