San Francisco Mounts New Push to Clean City Streets

Looks good, but expand it to those who are on welfare checks, make them do city work for a couple of hours a day, you can always make things look nicer, always something to do to freshen up the city, it will be very culturally uplifting very educational too because it teaches the younger generation to also keep things clean, I have seen alot of crap at the side of highways and such, let the folks on government checks pick up and to keep even the highways clean, again expand this initiative to all parts of the cities, here in the US you dont have obligatory military service, many other countries do, so I suggest, instead of putting people on guard duty all day long many times for no good reason, use these young people to walk a couple of weeks in their military service to in an organized and nice manner walk the highways and other places and pick up all the crap, do this and I promise you, they wont throw trash out themselves, and neither will their kids in the future, it will be very educational for them, its good for them it will do them much good.
