Taliban co-founder Mullah Baradar in Kabul for government talks

Everything seems to be running smoothly, I would suggest a couple of things to the Talib leadership, first, try to get along and come to an agreement with the Northern Alliance Afghans, they are part of the Community after all you all need to come together sooner or later which you will I am sure so the sooner you do that the better, second, I would also suggest you have weekly press briefings to let us know what progress you have accomplished, third but not least and this might be the most important of them all, I would like you to change the name of the Hamid Karzai Airport to something else, I never had an airport named after me :) I would it would be very nice of you to name it after one of my titles, you pick one, no hurries, but do it with in days and you my buddies, thank you :)  
